Chapter 9

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🐺: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy, because I like this chapter! Sorry it's shorter (and late), I had finals this week.

After work, Bokuto was on his way back home. It hadn't been a busy day, just a few sets of best friends and one coffee shop barista and her regular customer, but it still left Bokuto in a good mood.

He always loved making people feel good.

He passed by a familiar convenience store and paused. It was getting pretty late out, and he hadn't gone shopping yet so he didn't have much in the way of dinner.

Akaashi wouldn't mind takeout, right?

He stepped into the store and smiled at familiar smell of well-cooked takeout. Bokuto made his way over to the food counter and grinned.

"Hey hey hey, Hinata my man!"


The ginger grinned, waving from over the counter.

"Hey! How are you?" he asked. "Oh, sorry, what can I get you?"

Bokuto grinned and eyed the menu.

Wait. What did Akaashi like?

His eyes slowly drifted up, almost of their own accord, to a very specific order.

"Can I get an order of boiled rapeseed plants, with a side of Karashi mustard?" he asked.

Hinata blinks and writes it down.

"That's unlike you Bokuto. Anything else?"


"That's you. Are you having dinner with someone?"

Bokuto's grin shifted, changing into a softer smile.

"Yeah, Hinata. Yeah I am."

The two chatted until Bokuto's food was ready.

"Oh!" Hinata said, looking over his shoulder. "You should take one of our waterproof bags. It looks crazy out there."

Bokuto blinked and turned, noticing the sheets of rain pouring down.

"Oh, wow. I didn't even notice."

Hinata wrapped his food in a waterproof bag and passed it over the counter.

"See ya Bokuto! Say hi to your friend for me!"

Bokuto waved and ducked his way into the rain, taking off for home so he didn't get totally soaked.

When he finally stumbled into the door, he was freezing and soaked. Akaashi was curled up on the couch, reading. He shot up when Bo opened the door though.

"Oh my god, you're soaked," he said, taking the food from his shivering hands. "Thank you for getting dinner, but you're going to get sick."

Bokuto smiled and waved a hand.

"I'-I'm okay. I think I'm g-going to shower first though."

Akaashi nodded seriously and made his way to the kitchen. Bo made his way into the kitchen and took a shower, slipping into a loose shirt and pajama pants. He made his way to the kitchen, still drying his hair with a towel.

Akaashi looked up at him and blushed, and Bokuto was made acutely aware of the fact that his hair was down.

He looked down. It was so embarrassing. He hated how he looked with his hair down; it made him look too innocent, and people made enough hate comments about that already.

"Oh, uhm..." He wasn't sure what to say. Gods, he just wanted to hide right now.

"Hey. I set the table, hope that's okay," Akaashi said simply. "C'mon."

He turned and walked away, leaving Bokuto shocked. Akaashi didn't say anything about his hair? Did he not care, or was he just trying to be polite?

Bokuto sulked, figuring it was the latter, and made his way to the table. He was quiet throughout dinner, and eventually Akaashi cleared his throat.

"Is everything okay, Bokuto?" he asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, everything's fine," he said, trying and failing to mimic his usual tone.

Akaashi's eyebrows furrowed, and Bokuto realized it just made him even more adorable.

"No, something's wrong. What is it?"

Bokuto was surprised. Most people wouldn't push, not wanting to actually know why he was upset.

"Oh, uh..." he trailed off. "Just my hair..."

"Your hair?" Akaashi seemed confused. "What about your hair?"

"It's...well...doesn't it make me look childish? That's what everyone else says..."

Akaashi huffed and Bokuto looked up.

"Well, I don't think it's childish. I think you look great with your hair down."

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