Chapter 6

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Written by @Rising_queen_Sam

Akaashi's POV

I stir the coffee with a straw as my best friend blabbered to me about his amazing boyfriend.

I sigh and take out my phone. To others, it's a normal phone but for Matchmakers, it doubles as a transmitter. I normally don't keep it with me but after the first deal with Mr. Ootori, I would rather steer clear. 

I scroll through the news feed and see the news we have been awaiting for, about the brief alliance between our organizations.

No doubt the gods will intervene soon. If not all of them, then a certain someone who loves meddling with other people's love affair.

I sigh as my mind reels back to a certain owl-looking man. Lately I've found myself getting distracted by the thoughts of him. That's very unlike me. 

This isn't Keiji Akaashi, this is someone else. And it scares me. My entire life has been a straightforward path, with everything planned out for me. 

How can this random guy just sweep in and pull all the rugs out from under me like that?

I sigh again as a pair of arms grab me. In all honesty, my heart wished it was someone else rather than my screaming best friend.

"-AASHI... AKAASHI? Man you good?" He asks, pulling back to make eye contact.

I shake my head and bite my lip. 

Here it is again. The nervousness. 

I take a deep breath. Konoha smirked at me, and I give him a confused look. 

"Big ol' Akaashi is in love," He snickered.

I look at him, bewildered.

"the fuck you talking about?" 

"Dude, look at yourself. You ordered a white chocolate mocha Frappuccino. Your hair is messier than normal. Your shirt doesn't match your pants, and you've got two mismatched socks." he gives me a smug look.

I look myself up and down, feeling a slow blush creep up my cheeks.

"But I can't."

he frowns.

"That's not how this works. Matchmakers aren't supposed to fall in love," I mutter to myself. 

Wait a second.

I didn't cough. Did he hear me?

Konoha is silent and the realization dawns on me. He's a smart person. I didn't say anything outright, so the magic didn't block me. 

I turn to him, and his mouth is hanging open. I feel a flutter and turn to the mirror in the living room.

 My wings are out. Oh no I've fucked up. 

 I lose my balance and fall to the ground. After a beat, Konoha joins me and hugs me tight

"Your secret is safe with me, don't worry. I don't understand everything yet, but... can't there be a way for you to be with him?" I shrug and hide my wings. This is the first time someone has seen me in my celestial form, and it just had to be my best friend.

I sigh.

"I'm scared Konoha. I've been around for awhile. It's not that we're immortal, but we age slower than most once we reach 18. And through all my years, I never felt what I feel right now. What I feel for him. And it scares me to death." 

 He hugs me again.

"I'm sorry honey... but are you going to give up this easily? The Akaashi I know would never give up."

I smile at him.

"You're right. I shouldn't give up hope yet. Thanks, Konoha." 

 He chuckles.

 "Thank you for getting me with my boyfriend." 

I look at him surprised as he snickers.

"As if I'm a fool." 

 I knock on my boss's door.

"May I come in sir?"

"Yes come in," He calls.

I take a seat in front of him as he smiles.

"I kind of have an idea why you are here." 

I sigh. 

"I'm sorry sir. I never expected for my feelings to get the better of me. I'll take any punishment for revealing my secrets." 

He leans on the desk.

"And if having love for another celestial being means that you have to loose everything?"

🐺: Sam why? Why must you hurt me AND the readers with sad cliffhangers? 🥲

🐺I'm sorry it's out late, I took too long editing. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I did, until the ending 🥲

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