Chapter 3

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Bokuto groaned as he collapsed on his bed. His roommate, Kaoru, gave him a look.

"You good dude?" he asked.

"No!" Bokuto grumbled into his pillow. It had been a week, and he still couldn't get the other Matchmaker out of his head.

"What's on your mind?" Kaoru asked.

"I've met the most beautiful man alive and I have no chance with him."

Kaoru laughed and shook his head, his ginger hair swishing side to side.

"Don't put yourself down," he said. "You're pretty hot yourself Bokuto."

Bokuto groaned.

"That's not the problem."

"Oh, is he taken then?"

Kaoru stood up, slipping a jacket over his shoulders.

"No, he's definitely single."

"Then what's the problem dude?"

Bokuto looked up.

"I literally am not allowed to date him."

The ginger gave him a mischievous grin.

"Ah, forbidden romance huh? The boss loves that kind of thing."

"Don't call him that!" Bokuto rolled back over. "Tamaki is a child."

"So are you."

"Fair point."

"Anyways, I'm off to meet up with Hikaru and Haruhi. See you around."

"See ya."

Kaoru left, and Bokuto rolled onto his back.

"Stupid Hitachiin twin."

He wasn't really sure why he was mad at Kaoru, but he was.

His phone buzzed. He checked the caller ID and sighed before answering.


"Bokuto, please come to my office as soon as possible. I have another job for you."

"I'll be there soon."

"Thank you."

He hung up, sighed again, and got ready to go.

Bokuto knocked on the dark oak door, waiting.

"Come in."

Bokuto stepped into an ornately decorated office, sitting down in a chair across the desk from his CEO, Kyoya Ootori.

"You wanted to see me Kyoya?"

"Yes. We just received a match assignment from the other Association. It was a special request."

Kyoya took a file out of the black book Bokuto had never seen him without. He passed it across the desk and Bokuto glanced at it.

"I trust you'll do the job correctly?"

"I always do."

"Excellent. You're dismissed."

Bokuto nodded, took the file, and left the building. Maybe matching someone else will help get his mind off the angel he met before.

Tatsuki Washio.

That was Bokuto's assignment. Match Tatsuki Washio with his best friend.

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