What Happened at the Garrison

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My brother and I made our way to the dorm rooms to unpack our things. Sadly, we lived in separate areas due to our age. The dorms have different areas based on your age, I live with all the other people under 18, and Lance lives with everyone who is 20-25.

"Maaaan! I wanted to stay closer to you" I whined, I've hated being alone and with me and Lance staying in completely different areas it really affects me.

"You'll be fine, remember I had to go through this too. I was once you're age y'know" He smiled as a comforting for me. I smiled back.

"I know, I know- It's just- y'know! I hate being around people I don't know"

"Calm down, you're staying with a friend's sibling of mine. You remember Matt? He has a younger sibling who is attending here as well and me knowing the people I know I was able to pull some favors and get you two to room together!" My eyes sparkled in awe.

"You're the best!!! Though I'm not sure how they'll react to me..."

"Nope, nu-uh missy, don't you dare start thinking like that. You two will get along great, I'm sure of it. Now I must be on my way- got clothes to unpack, people to see, a party to get ready for!" He reminded me, I was not too happy about this party.

"Do I seriously have to go?" "Yes ma'am, now go and get your things unpacked and what not and get ready for the party ok?"

"Ok fine, fine, whatever. See you later bro!" I said as I left off into my room. As I shut the door behind me, I heard a strange commotion coming from one of the rooms. I did not want to go check it out, so I left off to the opposite room in the room which was what I supposed- and what is- vacant for me to use.

Before I entered the room, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Ay yo roomie! Nice to meet ya,the name's Pidge- Pidge Gunderson!" I turn to see the same petite little kid who blackmailed me a few weeks back.

"You!? You're my roommate!?!?" I yell in shock, also a slight bit of anger too. "Oooh, I knew your name looked familiar! Well, sorry about the whole blackmail thing- turns out it was a bust anyways cause I easily got in!" They say as they smile and give me a thumbs up. I clench my fists in anger, I struggle not to start swinging, so instead I storm out of the room with only my backpack on me and head as far away as I can for the time being.

"That- that brat! Who do they think they are!?!?" I yell as I make my way through the halls, unsure of where I'm even heading. I end up wandering to what looks like another dorm section, the faculty dorms. I start to feel awkward, seeing as I'm 16 and don't fit in with the adults. I try to make my way back to the dorm, and to my luck I do. I quickly rush to my room and ignore anything Pidge has to say, I don't want to talk to them for a long time. I decide to get ready for the stupid party and text Lance to let him know I'll meet him downstairs. Then, I make my way downstairs.

The party is loud, and lights are flashing, feels more like a rave than a school party. Pretty quickly I lose Lance in the crowd, turns out he saw a girl and decided he wanted to dance with her. So I was stuck all alone at a party I did not want to be at. I end up sitting at a table by myself and scrolling through my phone looking for things to keep me busy. This guy walks up to me, he looks like he doesn't belong, I start to wonder who he is.

"Hey, follow me." He says as he walks past me and slowly makes his way through the crowd and out of the party. Unable to stop myself, I hesitantly follow him. It takes us 30 minutes to get from the party and to the roof of the Garison.

"What are we doing up here?" I ask, having feeling stupid for following this unknown guy. He turns to me and I see his features. He has raven hair and these purple eyes, but the shadows of the moon hide the rest of his features. He goes to speak but decides not to, instead I see him pull a mask over his face and then he runs off and disappears. I feel even more like an idiot than before and storm off back to the dorm. As I entered my room I passed my mirror and glanced at myself, I stopped and went back to have a more in depth look at what I was wearing. I was wearing a suit, all dark colors, and yet I wasn't sure how to feel. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a dress then changed into it. Walking back to the mirror, I looked at myself and fumbled with my hair to make it look more 'feminine.' My feelings were mixed, I enjoyed and felt weird in what I was wearing all at once. I changed into my pajama's and went straight to bed after that.

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