Battle at the Balmera; A Confrontation

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“Everyone report to the bridge ready to go! We’ve arrived.” Allura announces. I pout as I put my fork down and follow Hunk and Keith to the bridge. “Good, you’re all here and ready to go. This is the plan.” She states. She goes on to explain the plan, and I am of course stuck on the ship.

“What about me, princess? I can be of help if you just let me-”

“Enough.” She interrupts me. “You’re staying here, we need to chat once this is finished.” Allura says harshly. I look at her and the others who are also confused. Everyone separates to start the mission and I join Coran at his station.

“What’s up with the princess, she seems to have some strong feelings towards me.” I ask Coran as we wait for everyone to get in place.

“Well, I believe it has to do with two things; the fact that you’re a paladin she’s never heard of and two that blood test you took.” I looked at Coran shocked, did he just mention the blood test that I took a couple days ago?

“Y-You know about that?” I ask, baffled.

Coran nods, “The system updates everytime a test is taken, and we were alerted when you took yours.” He explains. “I wonder how you have an altean parent when almost all of us were eliminated by the garla…”

“I don’t know, and I’ll never know… they died when I was 3.” I said softly, staring out the window. Coran rubbed my shoulder as a show of remorse. Suddenly, Pidge tuned in.

“I’ve placed all the sensors.”

“Good job Pidge, now we can see everyone on the planet.” Allura responds. I turn and see Allura glaring at me. I turn back to help Coran.

“Where are all the galrans?” Shiro questions as they all make their way onto the planet's surface.

“They seem to be in the lower levels.” Coran responds as we look at the live images of the bio-readings.

“Okay, it might be a trap but we have to go down.” Shiro says as he goes into one of the large craters The others follow into separate holes.

“It looks like there are a bunch of the galrans converging on a single place, oh wait. It’s a hanger.” Coran says as everyone lands.

“Lance, Keith, you guys handle it.” Allura commands strongly. This scenario just seems so off to me. I can’t help but feel like there’s something bigger happening here. Eventually, everyone gets trapped but luckily escapes.

“Guys, the balmera is falling apart, we have to get the balmerans out of here!” Hunk shouts as they run out of the caverns.

“Something just entered the atmosphere!” Coran shouts as we see an unknown entity flying straight for the surface.

“What is that?” Pidge exclaims confused as we all watch it fall from the sky. The unknown entity crashes into the balmera and as the dust finally clears, we realize what it really is.

“Oh no it’s another Ro-Beast!” Lance yells in shock.

“What is that?” I ask, confused.

“They’re robotic like beasts built by Zarkon and sent to attack Voltron.” Coran informs me.

“What!?” I shout, “That’s it, I’m going in as back up!” I yell as I start to run to my lion but before I can even leave the bridge Allura stops me.

“No you will not!” She says aggressively, I look at her baffled.

“They need my help!” I argue but Allura just glares at me.

“Distract the beast, me and (Y/N) are going down!” Allura orders, I look at her confused.

“What!? Princess you can’t! You’ll be spotted and targeted!” Pidge shouts.

Unpredictable - The Rewrite! {Keith Kogane X Reader} ~•Voltron Fanfiction•~Where stories live. Discover now