Family Fued

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THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S BACK!!! I'm going to do my best to try and keep it updated a couple of times a month, but I'm going to get busy soon so we'll see how it goes! Enjoy the rewrite of my first original book...


Today is the day. The day I take my entrance exam to see if I am worthy enough to be called a student at the Garrison. I am so nervous and excited for this day, I've waited for years to be standing here before the Garrison! My hands started to get sweaty from all of the anxiety and excitement swelling inside me, so I quickly wiped them off on my sides.

"Next," the woman at the desk says with such a harsh tone. 'That would be me, I suppose...' I stepped up and handed my ID to her. "Your name, age, and gender."

"Oh, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm 16, and I'm a male." I was born a female, but I've been mistaken for a guy a lot ever since I was little, so I just say I'm a male when in reality I'm a female.

"Sign this form and then head to the left corridor." The woman instructed. I did as told, signed the form and made my way down the corridor specified. I stumbled upon a few rows of chairs, with about 20 chairs. I take a seat in the farthest row to the right. I notice a nurse make her way towards the door and drop off some forms, I'm guessing mine would be in that stack. The nurse then left afterwards, leaving a doctor to skim through the files.

"Henry Davidson." He calls for. A guy who looks like a stick stands and makes his way to the room, following the doctor inside. I sit idle, tapping my foot fastly trying to calm my nerves down a bit more before I am called back there.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" I stand as my name is called, heading towards the small and petite looking doctor. "Follow me." She smiled as she led me back and to a room numbered: B-17. "Please take a seat." She motions to a row of chairs. I take a seat at the middle chair, forcing myself not to just completely relax and to not put my feet on top of the desk.

"Good afternoon, I am your doctor for your entrance test into the Garrison, you may call me Ms. Lohse (low-see) or just doctor." She smiled as she glimpsed at my files. "It says you're a 16 year old male, correct?" I just nod in response.

"Well let's get started then..."

...Half an hour later...

"All right then, you're in perfect condition. Let me go fill out the rest of this form and then you can take it to the woman at the desk nearby." She said as she started to fill in some of the form.

"Thank you Doc!" I thanked her as I pulled my hoodie back on. Luckily, I didn't have to undress completely so she doesn't know that I'm actually a girl. The doctor headed out and I sat in the room waiting for about 5 minutes. A nurse came in to give me a shot which I was told that I needed to have. I squinted my eyes as the needle pierced my skin, and opened them again as the nurse put on a band-aid. We exchanged smiles and then they left. I sat there for another 5 minutes and then the doctor returned. She handed me the completed form, "Thank you again Doctor."

"No problem." She mentioned as she led the way out of the room. We said our goodbyes and I headed to the nearby desk and handed the woman my form.

"You'll be heading to room F-105. Just go back to the entrance of the building, go straight and look for hall F."

"Thank you ma'am, have a nice day." I smiled as I took back the form and waved goodbye to the lovely woman sitting at the desk. I went to where she mentioned, which only took me about 10 minutes to find. I found a man standing outside the door with a box in front of him.

Unpredictable - The Rewrite! {Keith Kogane X Reader} ~•Voltron Fanfiction•~Where stories live. Discover now