The Past, First Kiss, and a Fight

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“Hey babe.” Isaiah says as he walks up to me. I smiled at him.

“Hey, how was geometry?” I asked as we walked together from our last class of the day. Isaiah and I walk home together daily, and today we were going to his place since his parents weren’t home. We don’t get many chances like this to be around each other, with him in baseball and soccer.

“Ugh, the worst like always. It’s horrible to end your day with a class like that!” He complains as he walks with his arm around my shoulder. I giggle at his complaining, it’s cute.

“Yeah, but I’m sure soccer and baseball practice makes up for it.” I say sweetly, he looks at me and smiles. We talk about different things as we make our way to his house. He lets me in first and closes the door behind him.

“You can leave your bag in the living room. Want a beer?” He suggests.

“Isaiah, I’m 13, I’m a little too young to be drinking.” I say with a serious chuckle.

“Suit yourself.” He says as he walks into the kitchen. I put my bag down and look at the family photos. “Heyy, come on, let’s go to my room.” Isaiah says as he walks back into the living room, open beer in his hand.

I sigh, “Okay.” I agree with him. He uses his free hand to hold mine and lead me to his room, after we enter he closes the door behind him. I sit on his bed as he goes to his computer and plays some music he and I both like.

“Come here.” He insenuates, I laugh. “Come here!” He begs. I hesitantly get up and walk over to him and we start to dance. After a while of dancing and Isaiah finishing his beer, he starts to get more handsy. At first, I dealt with it, then he started to kiss my neck.

“Isaiah, please.” I begged, I didn’t want things to go that way, I was still too young and unprepared. But Isaiah just kept on. He pushed me onto the bed, pinning me. “Isaiah- stop!” I begged again. He started to touch me in places I wasn’t comfortable with, I continued to beg and try to push him off, but Isaiah wasn’t listening to me. He was too strong for me to even push off.

He did things to me that I never wanted, he left marks. After he finished, he coerced me to not say a word about it. I agreed because I thought I loved him, I thought it was the right thing to do. I went home that night in pain, trying to cover the marks with makeup. When I entered the house, I didn’t say a word to anyone. I ran up to my room and cried. I didn’t eat for days, I missed school because of it.

“Cariño, ¿está todo bien?” My mom asks as she knocks on the door. (Honey, is everything okay?)

“Go away.” I say softly, I hear footsteps walk off and a different set approach.

“(Y/N), it’s been days, you need to eat.” Lance beggs.

“I’m not hungry.” I responded. His footsteps descipate and a while later my door opens, it’s Veronica.

“Pumpkin, you’ve got to talk to someone. What happened?” She says as she comes in, closing the door behind herself and sitting beside me on the bed.

“I don’t want to talk.” I say softly. Veronica rubs her hand on my leg and I flinch.

“Pumpkin?” She asks, concerned. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I sat up and kept the blanket over me.

“He, um…he touched me. H-He did things to me, things I begged him not to do! He left…”

“Marks.” Veronica said, finishing my sentence. I pulled the blanket down and she could see bruises all over my body. She gasped and embraced me, we both cried for a while. Eventually we told mama what had happened, and she cried too.

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