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"Y/N! Wake up!" You grunted, feeling a heavy weight on top of you, your eyebrows furrowed as you shift, attempting to push them off. "I'M UP, I'm UP." you shouted, your eyes tightly closed still.

"OPEN YOUR EYES THEN" You sighed before doing so, it was bright yet dim at the same time, you feel the weight slid off you, and you turn to them. "You sleep like a rock" your eyesight finally fixed itself, and you see your female cousin looking around your small apartment.

"What are you doing here?" You rub your temples as you asked, you stayed up again, and being the anemic you are, it gave you headache whenever you stayed up too late. "Your father was worried, also, you have no food here?" "No, I only have cereal and milk"

She scoffed lightly, "The great Y/N can't afford small packs of ramens?" "I'm not addicted to ramen like you are" You shudder at the memory when you and your cousin stayed up late to eat at least 6 packs of ramens for a midnight snack.

"Anyway, I'll have to go to the market to buy more milk and cereal" "when are you going to find a job?" You hated it when people are nosy about your business, it makes you feel pressured, and the fact you are jobless, makes you feel pathetic. Although, you knew they're just worried. "I'm working on it"

You stood up, putting on some jogger pants and oversized shirt. "You never did have style" you just hummed, you have numerous issues to deal with, one was self-hate, you tried your best to feel or look pretty, to fit the beauty standards your aunts have, but it never worked out, you were too big/wide/fat/thin/flat/etc. for them, giving you countless insecurities, not to mention the scars.

You walked out of your apartment, not really locking the door behind you, you had your cousin there but for a what if situations, you had a spare key inside your jogger pants pocket, giving your lonely ass phone some company.


You stood there on one of the sidewalks, looking at the bulletin board blankly as you stare at this help wanted poster from the famous FazBear PizzaPlex.

You sighed, you needed a job, considering you live alone in a small apartment and have cereal for every meal, a good paying job wouldn't hurt

But did it really have to be an animatronic engineer? The thing that you couldn't pass in college, would they hire someone who's not even a graduate to touch their beloved animatronics?

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to try-' you have been jobless for about a month now, you didn't think you'd live in a rough patch, but at least you were living in a way.

You grabbed your phone from the back pocket of your jeans and decided to contact them right away, via email. To seem professional at least.

Dear Fazbear PizzaPlex,

Good afternoon, I am inquiring to the poster I have seen pasted on one of the bulletin boards, and you are acquiring someone who is willing to work at a graveyard shift

I may not be a graduate of the field you require, but I am a student of it and I have basic knowledge of how it works. I am willing to work at a graveyard shift as stated and will work as soon as accepted in your spectacular family.

Respectfully yours,

You hit sent and decided to go back home, with plastic bags in your hand filled with carton milks and cereals. As you slowly turn and walk away in the direction of your apartment, a soft notification ring has emitted from your phone.


You unlocked your door and step inside, 'I guess she already left'. The inside of your apartment wasn't too shabby, as soon as you enter you'd be able to see a couch and the kitchen on the left side.

A narrow hallway that leads to the bathroom, the table, separating the kitchen from the living room, or for your instance, the bedroom.

The walls, decorated with firefly lights, some hanging shelf filled with books of your course and some plants. A TV across from the foldable bed/couch that you sleep in. Looking at it now, it wasn't really that bad, it looked really admirable, the furniture complimenting the color of the room and giving it a small aesthetic approach to the visitors or who may come inside.

You put the groceries down on the table and put the milk cartons inside the fridge while the cereal boxes sits on the counters, your keys placed down on the kitchen table.

Deciding to plop down, you took your phone out of your back pocket before doing so. The screen lit up as soon as you picked up your phone, it showed an email, unread.


We, the establishment of Freddy Fazbear Mega PizzaPlex, would like to interview you tomorrow at 5:00 pm, once accepted in our family, you would be soon working the same night.

You couldn't believe it, a letter from them already? Were they that desperate for a worker? Not that you were complaining, it was just out of the blue and fast. You were ecstatic, a feeling of accomplishment ignites within you, even if it was small, it was still a decent feeling.


Tomorrow came, and you just finished eating your cereal dinner, you took a shower and washed the dishes, brushed your teeth and readied up for today's events.

4:30 pm showed on the clock as you started clothing yourself, putting on some oversized peach-colored hoodie, some foot socks and sneakers, a decent amount of lip gloss/balm and some baby powder to hide your oily skin, you were ready.

You locked the door behind you, a smile plastered on your face, excited and filled with hope that they might accept you. You hurried along the streets to the direction of the famous Freddy Fazbear Mega PizzaPlex.

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