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"Ready to be cleaned, Freddy?" You stated as you give a soft smile, making Freddy look around with a flustered and awkward feeling. "Yes..." He said it, so softly you wouldn't have been able to hear it, the only confirmation you had that he said yes was he nodded at the same time.

"Do you feel any need of repairs?" You hopped off Freddy's bed and walked to the back, the room where you enter before Freddy's, finding a pail and clean rags. "Not that I know of, superstar" "No alerts of abnormality?" "No".

It was quiet, to Freddy it felt awkward, he didn't know what to do but just stand in the middle of his room as he watches you come back with a pail filled with water and fragrant liquid soap mixed.

To you, though, you were more focused reading and scanning through the manuals the company gave you.

It wasn't too hard, it only stated that to clean his chest captivity and his outer area, to see if their needs of repairs. You grabbed the clean rag or cloth and dipped it in the bucket of water, making sure to squeeze excess water out. "Sit down? I won't be able to reach your top part" Freddy complied with no complaints.

He sat back down on his couch that reclines into a bed, fidgeting with his 'hands' as you stood and kneeled in front of him. You started with his legs, looking closely for marks, putting a hand on his lap to feel his 'fur' be soft and short, it wasn't the type of fabric that's like carpet, but silky and a soft furry kind.

Freddy looked down on you, quite embarrassed as his eyes follow your every move, he liked how gentle you were and by the looks of it, hardworking too. When you finished with his legs making sure everything was clean, you looked up at him with a serious gaze, to check every nook and small details needed to be cleaned.

If Freddy had saliva, he'd gulped, he never had this kind of feeling, he's not quite sure what it is, his best friend Monty would explain, but he never did get it, is this what it feels like to be intoxicated by beauty?

Freddy didn't stare too long, he thinks it'd be rude if he did, especially if he was 'checking her out'. "Can you lift your arm, please?" The silence broke, only Freddy could do was nod and do what he is told. "I didn't think you'd be this quiet" He blinked a few times before he looked at the female that was scrubbing some small black dirt on his arm.

"What's your favorite color?" He can't believe himself that he asked that, a question that he uses for kids... But at least he had courage to finally talk, apart from being questioned. "It's f/c" "that's a wonderful color"

That kind of response made you hum, smiling to yourself as you check his other arm, at this point you were walking and standing than sitting around, he was a big animatronic, luckily enough there wasn't too much dirt on his legs and arms. Next on the list is his face and torso.

"Excuse me Freddy" You had to say it, even if this was just an item it feels life like and what you were about to do can get a sexual harassment file if he was human. Before he could even speak, he was surprised that you plopped yourself on him, straddling him, your face almost close to his.

"It's easier to clean this way" "It's okay, superstar... You're just doing your job" Freddy closed his eyes, he felt it would be better not to look or else he'd feel other things he wouldn't be able to understand, other than one feeling. Overheating.

He'd feel your soft fingertips touch and the soft rubbing of the rugs on his hard exterior, his ears would twitch lightly under your touch. 'Sensitive??' "For a kid's entertainment animatronic, you sure are clean"

Your comment to him made him laugh, it was the kind of laugh where it was genuine and felt pure, somewhere deep you felt your heart open and let out a few butterflies across your body.

"Thank you superstar" His voice, soft and gentle.

"Do you like kids?" Freddy asked as you start rubbing the rag cloth on his chest, feeling a warm heat emitting from him. "I've never thought about it, I mean, I do have baby cousins but, I'm not quite sure if I'd want one in the future."

"Kids are a bit tiresome" You gasped and laughed, quite shocked that he said something like that "Haha contradicting of you when you're made for kids" Freddy gave a soft chuckle.

There it was again, the same sensation when he laughed so heatedly earlier. "I like entertaining kids and making them laugh, but my battery also drains" You hummed yet again to his response, "Understandable".

"The glee of me wanting to make kids laugh is as strong as making you laugh" When he said that you were already working on his back, stopping the rubbing for a few secs. If you were in front of him like earlier, he would've been able to see your pinkish face. Blushing.

Freddy blurted those words out accidentally, he couldn't help it, your voice and your laugh, he didn't think you could get even more beautiful.

But each movement and action was bewildering, especially that laugh, your laugh to be precise.

'How can he be so lifelike?? Are the others like this?' "Annd we're done" You regained your composure, even still you feel a bit flustered, you weren't looking at Freddy when you get off the couch/bed even when Freddy stood up from it.

"Thank you superstar! You did an impressive job!" You took a quick glance to see him give a thumbs up and smiling at you. He was adorable, you wanted to give him a hug.

"Be careful, superstar..." you hear him say as you take the manuals for Monty and leaving his room.

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