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Monty showed you the way where you could find the office, despite being taller than you, his pace was quite slow, at least- your normal pace for walking. From behind you started staring at him, not that it was weird, he was leading you the way after all.

You noticed that his metal suit actually shows some masculine back, from its wideness and depth, with the posters around, his width wasn't bad either. Your imagination running wild with how he would look if he was human.

Toned? Perhaps with his figure, big booby male? Yes. Firm butt? Yes. What about his face? Good jawline? Pointy nose, Greek model face. You couldn't believe it, you were checking out someone- someTHING. You shake your head as you softly grumble to yourself, quite embarrassed.

However, you have to give yourself some credit though, for some robot, he sure has an aura of someone who's intimidating and- attractiveness... There you go again-were you that lonely in life that you'd go fantasize about some animatronic.

"Here we are" Monty stepped out of your way and stood still at the sidelines, you walked in front of the door, and before you could even knock, the door flew open to see the manager covered with nervous sweat.

"Are you Y/N?" "Yessss?" "You're late" you have a sheepish smile, you were about to say an excuse, but the gator already said it. "She got lost" the manager looked confused, finally noticing the animatronic, he supposed it made sense, considering the fact this might be your first time here, and it is a big place.

"Come inside then" You followed the order, the manager closing the door behind the both of you.

"Have a seat"


"Freddy!" Freddy heard Roxy's voice, in which he turned to look at her. "Yes?" "You stopped singing" Freddy was getting on Roxy's last nerves, although the malfunctions he gets isn't his fault, still it sucked when they're preforming on stage.

"I'm sorry Roxy, something just caught my eye" "Do you need repairing? Remember you and Monty still have no engineers" Freddy sighed, nodding.

Both male animatronics knew they have to be extra careful since no one has applied yet to be their technicians.

"I know, I probably just need some charging" Roxy scoffed before nodding, giving her bear friend soft pats on the back "Alright"

Roxy turned her attention towards the kids before stating, "Hey kids! First one to find Chica gets a surprise!" Children all ecstatic and riled up, scurrying away to find the bird-bot.

Roxy following right after those kids, leaving Freddy on the stage, to go back to his room and charge.

Why does Roxy and Chica have technicians, while the two males don't? Well, It'd be hard for just one technician to look after the four of them every day.

So, the management gave them the right to choose which two animatronics they'd like to work on, they chose the girls.

Freddy really doesn't need to charge, he was just out of it today- or to be specific- he was out of it when he saw your face. He scanned the database to see if he just forgot that person.

Highly doubt it though, with such beauty, pretty sure he'd remember it from how it impacted him.


'So someone new?' Freddy was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear/his system alert him that someone came inside his room.


"So these are the manuals" You mutter to yourself as you put the books down on Freddy's room table. His room color made people feel comfortable and cozy, including you, really.

You stare at the animatronic who was sitting on their bed/couch, deep in thought. 'Do they really need those? Probably just for decoration... Are they shut off? They aren't moving'.

You stared at them for a while, like what you did to Monty, you also started to imagine what he'd look like if he was human.

Plump... Hot... Strict... Yet caring and soft..., 'Did I just say hot?'

You checked the manuals and one of the chapters stated that to get Freddy's attention, you have to say 'Hi Freddy!' in a very enthusiastic way.

"Of course... Hi Freddy" You tried, but really- who would do what the manual says. Freddy stayed still, he was clearly on with how soft baby blue lights shown on his snout, blue lights that were emitted by his eyes.

Checking the manual yet again, another way to catch Freddy's attention is if you cover his eyes from behind. "Oddly specific-"

But it was better than using your voice and faking a tone. Crawling behind him, on your knees on his soft bed, your front pressed against his back and your hand covering his eyes finally caught his attention.

"Hello Freddy" "Hello superstar! I didn't know you were here, mind letting me see?" You sat down on his bed, releasing Freddy from blindness.

He stood up and turned around, his eyes emitting a blue-red soft colors as soon as he saw you. He was blushing. "Hello... Freddy" your tone was in awe, the sudden action made you wonder on how advance technology is seemed to be. Whoever programmed them are your idols now.

Freddy's ears twitch, hearing your voice was a sweet melody and the fact you were saying his name made it more pleasing for the bear. "How did you get in superstar-"

His question, answered, when the database file sent him a notification that you were the new employee- not only that- but the new technician for him and Monty.

"Welcome to the PizzaPlex, Y/N"


All animatronics, updated on which or who are the new employees and what not, of course they just kept it noted, but for the gator.

In his unlit room, sitting down on his couch, legs spread open and his arms resting on the couch's head-rest, his eyes showing a darker set of red light rays, he felt like preying a certain person.



Chica was happily eating her 3rd box of pizza when she heard children fast paced footsteps nearing her direction.

"BA-CUCK?!" Before she knew it she was on the floor with children on top of her, fighting whoever got to her first.

Poor chica. She just wanted to eat some pizza.

Nostrum Stella | Monty x Reader x FreddyWhere stories live. Discover now