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There you were, still in between Monty's legs with a wrench on hand, you'd lightly tighten the screws around but to no avail, the buzzing continued. To Monty, it was a pleasurable experience.

Exposing his vulnerability, to finally have a chance to be cared for. He was a bit hopeful, on the outside he might be just some hardcore intimidating animatronic, but as anyone, the feeling of love and care wouldn't be so bad.

"Why is this so hard to fix" Monty looked down, his pleasurable daze interrupted as he chuckles, finding it quite adorable for you to be annoyed and huffing like a child. A brat.

"There there rock star, let's take a break, yea? By this time, it's probably 9 pm" You looked at the Baywatch to see it was quarter to 10. "Already??" You didn't think it'd take hours to fix a minor buzzing problem.

Monty finally ceased his teasing, your enthusiasm when it went away had Monty entertained. Everything you do was pleasing to him, he wanted to make you happy, to have that bright smile and eased woes.

"Are there any more tasks you have to do?" He was talkative than Freddy, you liked that, to be guided in a conversation, currently at least. "No, I believe I'm done" "How bout a tour around the Plex?"

He led the way, from one destination to another, passing Vanessa along the run. To think only 2 employees are working for a night shift is a bit surprising.

'Maybe security is that good' Your thoughts, interrupted when you noticed you were far behind Monty's fast-paced, when he finally noticed you weren't by his side, he stopped in his tracks.

You walked and walked until you were near him, once near, he offered his 'hand'. "Wouldn't want you to get lost, sweetheart" You took his hand with mixed feelings.

'Damn, the most romantic experience I have is with an advanced A.I.' You were a bit disappointed, you missed numerous good experiences, generally your relationships were a pile of shit. Cheated and blackmailed.

Although, at the same time, it felt right to be with Monty, to have this kind of experience with him, is it so wrong if they programmed them so life like?

His pace was slower, his 'hand' gently squeezed yours. Despite their programs in roaming mode, both of you weren't really passing the other animatronics.

Monty didn't want any interruptions with his time with you, greedy he is. He led the way to where the others didn't go as much, specifically the Bonnie Bowl.

"Do you play?" You asked as you picked up a bowling bowl with two hands, Monty releasing your hand from his. "Hell yeah!".


You laughed in triumph as Monty looked at the screen in disbelief, "You cheated!" "Hahaha no way!" "Rematch!" He was a bit competitive, but he had sportsmanship, very admirable.

Both of you wasted your time with bowling, there were times you had to go back and forth from a charging station so that Monty could recharge.

Weirdly enough, he didn't let you walk, he would just pick you up and let you lay in his arms whenever both of you would need to go to the charging station. Probably because Monty knew you were getting tired and drained, his medical alert told him so.

It was almost 2 am or somewhere there, remember, you're anemic. "Something wrong sweetheart?" "No no, just a bit...tired" you yawned in between the words.

"Would you like some ice cream?" "That would be nice" some sugar in your bones might give some small energy to prolong your awareness. Monty grabbed a cone and made a swirl of your favorite ice cream flavor.

You sat on one of the stools as you watch, for this night he has been gentle, caring, entertaining to be with, attractive in most ways and considerate. 'What a wonder' "Here you go".

His voice was softer than before, it might've been no reason to raise his voice anyway. "Thank you" Monty didn't say anything as he leaned on one of the counters, watching you as you focus on the ice cream at hand.

Giving it a soft lick and a relief face, his eyes bore into you, his grip on each of his arms were getting tighter and tighter, his alert system would go off, but he wasn't bothered.

He himself was acting out of his program, it wasn't bad, he would just glitch for a bit, but he'd be able to gain control again.

You noticed Monty was staring at you, although you can't properly see his eyes because of his sunglasses, you felt watched. "Wanna taste?" He just walked towards you, grabbing the hand you hold the cone with and opening his mouth.

Monty softly pulled on your arm to let the ice cream go closer to his face, before letting his tongue come out and lick a part of the ice cream.

If he had saliva, it would've dripped from the tongue, your imagination going wild. Your feelings, flustered, hot and bothered.

When he let go your hand, and he stood straight, you noticed a small part on his snout had ice cream, specifically in between of his nostrils.

You were blushing, your eyes half opened, you looked so vulnerable. Monty leaned down when you gestured him to do so, you put two hands on his face and licked the ice cream off.

Monty had a shocked moment, as if gears were floating above his head. You were acting on your tiredness and Monty had a feeling it was so, he wasn't going to take advantage of a tired girl.

He may not know you that well, but in general aspects, no one would like to have sex with someone they just met for a few hours. Morals, as they say.

Monty stood up yet again and gave you soft head pats, which you quickly melt into, like butter on a fresh toasted bread.

'Fuck it, if I experience this with an A.I. then so be it'

Nostrum Stella | Monty x Reader x FreddyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt