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You groaned as your alarm started, grabbing it groggily and putting it to a stop. Your head was spinning, you weren't sick,, but you felt you were about to puke.

'I can't skip my second day of work'

You sat up from your couch slowly, rubbing your temples softly as your vision starts to clear up. You haven't had any food, your stomach grumbled, but it was the least of your concern.

When you got home, you had your peach hoodie in arm and the Monty shirt you didn't change out of, and chucked it all in the washing machine.

You tried your very best to shower and get ready, your legs were wobbly, and you supported yourself with the walls, gliding through the hallway.

You've put on the dry Monty shirt, Thank God you woke up in midday and decided to put them in the dryer. Although it wasn't the company's uniform, it was still the company's merchandise.

Once ready, you sat down and checked the time, 9:45pm. 'I'll just sit here until it turns 10'


Miraculously, you were able to walk a 30-minute distance from your apartment to the PizzaPlex unscathed. When you stepped in, the feeling of puking and passing out became stronger.

You walk to the nearest wall and attempted to gain composure, using your left hand to stable and your right covering your mouth.

Your vision starts to get blurry and even dark circles would block the colors and surrounding. You closed your eyes and breathed slowly.

'I'm fine, I'm okay, it's alright'

When you opened your eyes again everything felt like it was spinning, you decided to just sit on the floor until everything was clear.

“The Freddy Fazbear's PizzaPlex is now closing, we do hope you had fun, and we will gladly see you soon”

Your elbows rested on your knees as your hands covered your eyes from the bright lights. Your mouth slightly open to help you further take a breather.

The shuttering of the metal security shutters that has Freddy's face plastered on it, echoed through the halls. It was officially 11pm. Your work time, of course you didn't pay much attention to it.

You felt a big 'hand' on your back and an arm go under your legs, picking you up bridal style, before they set your head on their arm.

Your right hand was softly resting on their chest, it was furry, Monty didn't have this kind of outer layer. “Superstar?” You didn't respond.

Your breathing was heavy, which made the caring bear even more worried. He made sure his voice was soft to not startle you or further worsen what you were feeling.

Your eyes tightly closed as you felt yourself being moved. “Here you go…”. The comfy and softness that surrounded your body clarified it that you were on Freddy's couch-bed.

When you peeked you saw the lights go dimmer, looking around there was Freddy walking towards you and seated on the floor.

“I feel sick” “I know, my medical alert said so, do rest superstar” You shut your eyes once again, your breathing became easier, relaxing with each breath you take.

Soon enough, you fell asleep with a hungry stomach. Once in a while Freddy would hear your stomach grumble, it was adorable and worrisome to him.

He didn't watch you for minutes, he would just pace around the room and sometimes give small glances to see if you've died or getting worse, to his relief, it was the opposite.

There were times when he stared for a bit too long, just observing, during that, he noticed there were bags under your eyes, lack of sleep or tired from stress.

Considering you were in night shift, it wasn't the latter. From the employees they had, they never really had this kind of effect on them, which concerned Freddy even more.

He didn't know why he was feeling like this, his concern and worry felt stronger, he didn't feel like he was malfunctioning either. 'Do I care for you that much?'

Freddy stared and stared, he felt like a creep, but he just wanted to remember every crease and flaws you had that to him made you, you, and it is a beautiful sight.

He softly and cautiously put his right 'hand' on the side of your left head, specifically on your hair, giving a soft and comforting pet.


Right after you finished your ice cream and ate the cone, Monty picked you up once again. He set you down on him when he sat down on his own couch-bed.

Neither of you said a word, the company of each other was enough, plus he wasn't going to make you talk in such a state. He soon rocks his body slowly, as if he was cradling you.

“There, good girl” His words cooed as you get into a more comfortable position, a bit of scooting here and there.

You'd slowly fall into deep slumber as Monty sings a lullaby, petting your hair softly, making you smile in satisfaction.


Your eyes slowly flutter open, by this time it was already 2:13 am, your smelling senses smelled a freshly cooked pizza lingering in the room.

Your stomach grumbled, to which you put your right hand on it. You feel your hair softly played with or patted, to see Freddy right there.

“Good morning superstar, there's pizza, I heard your stomach grumble, so I asked Chica to give us some… It was a bit hard to do so too”

You were too fixated to eat that you couldn't even hear Freddy talk. You slowly get up, using both of your hands and arms to help you. Freddy put his hand on your back to support you even more.

“Here you go superstar” Freddy left your side and grabbed the box of pizza sitting on the desk, opening it up for you to see that each 8 slices were different from each other.

“I didn't know what you like, so…” You liked Freddy's thoughtfulness and caring side. You softly smile as you grab a slice of your favorite type of pizza. “Thank you, Freddy”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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