The biggest coterie blow out part 3

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CreativeRealm2213 grabs a chair from the kitchen and throws it at spice.

Spiceseeker gets hit by the chair falling down.

Spiceseeker : YOU IDIOT!!!!

CreativeRealm2213 runs to spice " That's what you get you moron for knocking my teeth out"!

Spice and Kermit go to blows .

Alice and I viciously duke it out falling onto the couch. I hiss like a cat and claw her eyes out .


I kick her in the stomach and get off the couch.

I scream " COME ON YOU DITSY BLONDE"!!! I grab a magazine and roll it up and start slapping her face with it.

K_Evans89 pushes me to the side and jumps into the air and punches Alice's face with her knee. Blood was everywhere .

All the girls gang up on Alice!

The man at the door yells " Oh my God what the hell are you guys doing"?!

Everyone stops fighting and looks at the man causally saying : Hi

He stares at us weirded out

We resume back to fighting . He slowly walks backwards leaving.

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