3) the same and diferent.

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After this chapter the plot will changes to after the wen moved to the Burial mound.

Changes: the different.

Kind Madam Yu

Burial Mound Cleanse

Didn't forget the invitation for lectures

Incense burner scene. (A-Xian was unconscious on Lan Wangji's bed and confess to me that he have lost his first time to Lan Wangji.)

Lan Qiren copy his own rules

Madam Yu trying to kill Lan Qiren for trying to hurt A-Xian

Wen Chao not in love with Wang LingJiao.

Lotus Piers, Nie sect and The Cloud Recesses not burning/ got destroyed

Madam Yu, Sect Leader Jiang and Qingheng jun not dying.

No Wen are captured as slaves in the camp.

Oc/You study life cultivation (This type of cultivation allows the user to change anything that cannot change in life like: Gender, Reproductive system, Death and Life. So a fully goddess and the user can see through the future.)


The same:

Lan Wangji feel in love with Wei Wuxian.

The arrogant of Jin Zixuan.

The Sun Shot Campaign.

Wei Wuxian practice proper and safe Demonic Cultivation and learning the advantage and the disadvantage of it for the safer generation and Wen Chao pushed him down the cliff where there's a lot of resentment like the uncleanse burial Mound.

All the sect won against Qishan Wen.

Meng Yao name has change to Jin guangyao.

I realise that Bao Huiling does change people's fate.

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