Chapter 3- I Guess They're My Friends and....Mate?!

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Wow...I'm like SUPER late updating this chap, sorry lol. My laptop was just acting up. Anywhooo..on with this "alright" chapter. Pic of Greyson and his sister Julie who is played by Dove Cameron.

Chapter 3

Greyson showed me his table and, we sat down. I guess his friends are getting lunch. I hope they won't mind that I'm sitting here. Oh geez, what if this was someone's seat..I should mo-

I was suddenly brought out of my crazy thoughts by a high-pitched squealing and someone squeezing the daylights out of me.

"OH MY GOSH!!! Your so cute! You must be the new girl everyone's talking about!"

Wheezing out a slight "yeah.." I look to Greyson for help.

Greyson chuckles, "Alright, Julie let her breathe. She needs air ya'know."

Julie whines in protest but eventually puts me down. I turn around and look at Julie and, I just have to say she is stunning. Her bright blue eyes and creamy white skin go really well with her light blonde hair.Julie smiles brightly at me and introduces herself.

"I can tell we're going to be the best of friends, I mean it's an obvious win if you rejected Tiffany's offer."

Tiffany..? Now how is tha- oooh..she means the 'Queen bee'.

"She must be crazy if I was going to follow her. I wouldn't follow her if my life depended on it." I state as I chew my salad.

Julie looks as if her cheeks would start hurting if she were to continue her happy smile. She giggles, "Oh gosh, you're just perfect."

Just then a guy chocolate brown hair and blue eyes came and sat down at the table with his massive plate of food. Geez, I know he's a werewolf and all but, that looks like a lot even for him.

Before I can even comprehend the movement of my mouth I burst out saying, "Geez, that's a lot of food!"

My eyes widen and, I quickly slap my hand over my mouth. Oh, sugar-snaps...The guy looks at his plate then me. Then he pops the magic question.."Who are you..?"

I open my mouth but, Julie answers for me, "James, this is Sapphire, ya'know the new girl that made a fool out of Tiffany."

eyes light up and he bursts into laughter, "That..w-was..YOU!?" he managed to say in between laughs.

I chuckle, "Yeah.."

"You're awesome, anyway I'm James the T.I.C*." he says as he grins at me.

"It's nice to meet yo-" I suddenly freeze and feel my throat close up. I look up and see what seems to be a born-again Greek god. He has blonde-ish brown hair and, crystal-clear blue eyes. He has stubble, which makes it clear he hasn't shaved but, to be honest he looks great with it. He's wearing a white v-neck with an open grey button up shirt over it and, dark blue jeans. He looks just...stunning.

In between eye goggling him my wolf, Jewel, pulled through my mind with her restless whining.

What is it?

It's him..our mate! It's our Mate!

I look over to him and, once our eyes connected I knew she was right...It's our mate.Seeing him come closer and closer makes me stand up with haste. W-what if he rejects me! Oh geez, my first day is turning to hell so quick..

When having my inner battle I didn't notice him standing right in front of me. I crane my neck up to look up at him (yeah..he's that tall..).

"I-i..." stammering I end up tripping on my own feet like a fool and, leaning backwards towards the ground. He quickly grabs me and straightens me on my feet.

He looks into my forest of grey-hazel eyes with, his blue pools of his own.

"..Mate..are you okay?"

"Uhh..I'm alright.." Looking over to Greyson and the others, I see them stand up and come over to us.

Julie smiles, "I see you've met Nico."

My eyes widen and I look up at him. "'re Nico Winters..the Alpha?" I ask with the slight hint of fear in my tone. Only a hint of fear, I know it's not really brave but, I couldn't help it! My Mate is Nico Winters! The Strongest Alpha in the U.S.!

He nods, " Yes, and your name, beauty?" he says with such a deep, riveting voice.

"My name is Sapphire Angelaine." I proudly say, feeling a wave confidence surge through me.

"Angelaine..?" James asked curiously. "That names seems familiar.."

My eyes widen. Oh shit..I probably shouldn't have mention my last name. I kinda don't want them to know my history just yet. I laugh uneasily and brush it off by saying, "Oh, it's uhh.. a quite common name..I guess."

James blinks at my comment but says nothing as if to brush it off. After that whole conversation, we went back the table and finished our lunch. When the bell rings, I stand and walk out the lunch room with Julie and James in tow since they both have History with me.

The day went on and it was pretty good until, I unfortunately met up with Tiffany again on the way to my locker.

She narrows her eyes at me and sneers, "You think you're all that huh? Well you're just a nobody. I can't even believe I actually gave you an offer to sit with us..and you were sitting with that loser, oh what's her name, Jamie or something?"

I narrow my eyes and, feel my wolf and I getting angry. I clench my fist trying to control my irritation so I don't slam her face-first into the wall. Looking around I notice a few people stop and stare at us.

I turn my attention back over to Tiffany. I growled lowly, "Leave Julie out of this.."

Tiffany laughs, "Oh, so you're sticking up for the beta's worthless little pathetic. She can't even shift, I'm surprised her family kept her around.."

Not being able to hold it anymore, I let a powerful growl rumble out, echoing throughout the school. Everything went silent, glancing over to my left I saw Julie along with Greyson, Nico and James all with shocked faces that match everyone else in the hallway.

Returning my gaze back over to Tiffany, I smirk at her frightened face before she quickly masks it, to a scowling face.

Tiffany growls, "You think you can scare me? You're nothing!" She steps to me and pushes me roughly into the lockers, taking everyone and myself in surprise.

In that moment I felt myself snap and Jewel shows through. She freezes everyone in time, leaving just Tiffany with us.

Growling, I gaze at her, with my now bright sapphire eyes. I stride right into her face, backing her up into the wall.

Tiffany looks around terrified, "W-what's going on!? Why won't anyone m-move!?"

Narrowing my eyes, I smirk at her and say,"Listen hear Tiffany, I will only say it once and you better understand. If you ever and, I mean EVER! Speak badly about my friends, I will not hesitate ripping you to shreds myself. Got it?"

Petrified, Tiffany nodded quickly. I release everyone from my spell just as Tiffany ran off. Nico and the rest run up to me. They keep asking me if I'm alright or, If they needed to teach Tiffany a lesson.

I just calm them down and, say "It's fine. Nothing I can't handle." Taking Nico's hand, I walk with James, Julie and Greyson outside of the school. Geez, what a day. I guess it wasn't as shitty as I thought it would turn out. I mean..I did find my mate. I guess this is want the real high school life is..Gosh so much DRAMA!!

A/N: Ok so for those who don't know what a T.I.C is, It's Third in Command. Sorry for updating late ad what not. Yesterday was Silent day and, I actually made it for the whole day. I love doing support like that. So, I'll try and update on time but...I'm cray cray so bare with peace love out! :D

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