Chapter 3

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Several minutes went by before anyone came to check on them. The same waitress waltzed back to their table looking somewhat apologetic.

"Rosa says it'll be a few minutes. Can I getcha somethin' while ya wait?"

"Tell her to take her time,'' Dominique grumbled.

Crow didn't really know what was happening, but he graciously accepted the menu that the lad held out for him. He glanced down looking for something along the lines of "Chicken Fingers", but every dish was foreign to him. There were shade potatoes, juba cakes, and fairy dust bombs. Nothing looked appetizing.

"Um, can I get a Coke?" Crow was unsure what to ask for at this strange place, and the waitress's puzzled expression told him that Coke was not it.

"He means Grudave Juice, the spicy kind," Dominique swooped it.

Thanks, Crow mouthed.

"And can we also get one order of Mammoth Mint? She glanced at Crow, "trust me, it's delicious."

As it turns out, Mammoth Mint was amazing. Crow savored every bite, letting the gooey substance melt on his tongue.

He was just about to grab the last piece when an older-looking lady shuffled to the table.

"Raven! So nice to see you!" She slid into the booth next to Dominique and gave her a little hug. Crow could tell that Dominique was uncomfortable. She didn't seem like the cuddly type.

"And who is this?" The woman gestured to Crow.

"Auntie Rosa, this is Crow."

"Hi, Ms– uh.. Rosa," Crow gave an awkward little wave as he stumbled through his greeting.

"Please call me Auntie, everyone does."

"Oh, ok"

"You wanted to speak to me, Dominique?" Auntie Rosa turned to the girl as concern flooded her face.

"Yes, this boy, Crow, is mortal."

"I see. He's from the other world, no?" Her accent sounded vaguely Italian.

"Right, but he could see the portal. And, his eyes turned gold."

Rosa stared into Crow's eyes.

"Then he turned them back," Dominique called her friend's attention back to the problem.

"I see. You two come into the back with me, and I'll give him a look."

The lady slid out of the chair, and started toward the back of the restaurant. Dominique urged Crow to follow.

The three of them walked through the kitchen, and into a small apartment, not unlike those in the shops on Main Street and Korova Avenue.

"I have a suspicion, but you must keep quiet about it. No one else can know," Rosa spoke in a very serious tone. "I think Crow is the secret to saving our world."

"Auntie Rosa, I don't get it."

"Look Dominique, he's got the light in his eyes?"

"The light?" Crow wondered.

"Yes. The light is supposed to win this war, but we haven't seen anything like it in decades. It is supposed to be an unlikely and special ability. I get the sense that little Crow is very special"

"I'm not special. I'm just a normal teenage boy."

"In the mortal world, yes, but here... here, you're different. As far as I know, no other mortal can even step foot on Northrop soil, and look at you."

"Right, I'm different. But what does that mean?"

"I don't know for sure, but it could be very good for our kingdom. The only way to find out is to consult the Book of Fate, but no one's seen it for years."

"We'll do it," Dominique piped up, "we'll go to the castle and break into the Fate's chamber. Then Crow can find his name in the book and see what his destiny is."

"No, that's incredibly dangerous, no one should know their own fate." Auntie Rosa looked fearful between the two children. "That would cause too much temptation to change it. No one should ever mess with Fate."

"Fine then, I'll look at it." Crow nearly cowered in fear at the resolve that had entered Dominique's voice and body. She looked like she would destroy anything that got in between her and that book.

Dominique stalked out of the room and burst into the restaurant. She quickly swiped her satchel from the booth, and made her way to the exit. She grabbed two cloaks off the hooks by the door and stepped out into the frigid night.

A few minutes later, Crow joined her.

"What was that?" he asked, trying to catch his breath.


"You bolted out of there like you were on your way to commit a crime."

"Well maybe I am," Dominique tried to end the conversation by tossing a cloak in Crow's direction, "This was the smallest one I could find, so you'll have to make do."

"Did you-"

"Don't act so shocked, of course I stole it. Don't worry, the poor drunk who lost it probably won't notice until tomorrow anyways. He'll probably think he dropped it on his way home, you know- being intoxicated and all."


Dominique could tell that Crow was unsure about the situation, but he tied the string around his neck and pulled it up a few inches, so that the fabric wouldn't drag through the dirt.

She retrieved a small map from her bag and began scrutinizing it.

"Alright, so the castle's that way, so I guess that's where we'll go. There's a camp in a few miles that we can sleep at. I know a guy who can let us in."

She shoved the map in her pocket and began walking. She slowed down when it became evident that Crow was struggling to keep up. He jogged up next to her and slowed to a brisk walk.

"So why are you so intent on helping me?"

"Well I guess you're my problem, since I brought you here, and since the book's our only lead, I think I better follow it. The sooner I figure out what's up with you, the sooner I can get rid of you."

"I feel so welcomed."

Dominique's expression softened when she glanced over at the small boy.

"Very well, Sir Sarcasm, I'll be sure to point out any important landmarks along the way."

They both grinned to themselves. Their unlikely friendship might just work out after all. 

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