When Nikita Sees Her Crush...

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Okay, I know the books didn't show Nikita having a crush on anybody, but let's just pretend she has one here, okay?

When Nikita sees her crush:

Nikita: (Looking down at clothes) Do I look okay?

Potatoes' Reactions (and Sheela, but is Sheela a Potato? If not, she deserves to be one)

Aru: (stepping back sharply) That is not my sister.

Brynne: (grinning) I think you learned your lesson for bragging about your clothes.

Aiden: Umm...Nikki...are you okay?

Mini: (putting hand on Nikita's forehead) Do you have a fever? Are you sick? Did you get a concussion?

Rudy: Is this how humans are? They're weird.

Sheela: Is your crush here? (seeing the future) He thinks you look great!

Wow, Sheela is, like, the only good sister.

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