Things To Think About...Yet AGAIN

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Yes, we are doing this AGAIN because I got more things in my mind.

Does the outside world know about the Otherworld? Because remember this line from EoT: "Aru had watched him chase the poor feline down the sidewalk, shouting, "I AM A MIGHTY KING! YOU HAVE INSULTED MY HONOR!" This was talking about Boo. I mean, wouldn't have someone noticed that there was a talking bird chasing a cat down the sidewalk?

Remember right before the "word vomit" on Aiden, Aru laughed to herself when she thought of something. I mean, if someone else saw her randomly laughing while she was going home, when absolutely nothing happened, wouldn't they be concerned for her? Wouldn't someone think she was insane if she just keeps walking and then suddenly starts laughing? What would Aiden have thought?

Remember in NoI when Rudy said they could use the elevators at his palace for cool trips? And then when he asked where the Potatoes would go, Brynne said she would go to the beach. Well, then how about in CoG in Kishkinda when Brynne said, "Also, I've decided I hate the beach." Then why would she want to go there?

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