Knowledge is Power(2)

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Two more years, and still no movement from the Stan Territory. Rok was beginning to feel the irritation itch at his skin on a daily basis, impatience prompted by dragon instincts that desired to punish those set out to hurt a young dragon building steadily inside of him.

It wasn't like him to react like this; He knew the value of being patient. Patience and waiting to face those that had caused you harm was an important lesson that had saved him countless times while living as a human.

But he'd now lived ten years as a dragon and these instincts and urges were just as much part of him as the years he'd lived without them.

Cale could tell he was struggling with the news that once more his spies had brought him nothing. The Stan Territory had become suspiciously quiet, to the point Rok had even once flown to the mountain to check on the missing egg himself. But there was nothing, only a few standard guards posted near the villa that had been built less than thirty meters from the cave.

Where was the black dragon?

"Have you given any thought to being my cousin, Rok?" Cale tried to distract the brooding dragon, deciding it was better not to comment on how he could see dark red scales bleeding through an otherwise perfect human countenance.

Even though he didn't know what Rok was looking for, his guilt for not having the answers the ten year old desired had only grown over the years. Rok had constantly assured him that it wasn't his fault, that the Stan family would eventually make a move, but Cale could see how whatever the thing that they had stolen from the boy was held a great importance.

If Cale had more sway among intelligence groups perhaps he'd be able to assist more, but even with Rok's help Cale had struggled to make outside connections.

Ron wasn't really an option, even if their relationship had begun to ease over the past few years. Cale was sure he'd never truly trust his past butler, but he'd begun to become better at separating his past life memories from his current one. This Ron had done nothing to him, and didn't deserve his scorn. He'd made different choices, so why couldn't Ron?

Besides, if he'd continued his cold treatment of the older man his father would eventually notice and terminate his service. Although Cale didn't know much about Ron's circumstances outside of the fact that he'd been an assassin in hiding, he did know that Ron was safe here.

He'd eventually leave again, when it was time, and Cale would let him go. It was better this way.

Even his relationship with his step-family had smoothed out if only slightly. He still couldn't really talk to them, and the only one who wasn't actively avoiding him was the young Lily, who'd one day learn he wasn't worth talking to. He'd overheard his stepmother discussing with his father that she was concerned he was depressed, but Cale was fine.

So what if he was quiet and only left his designated rooms to practice his swordplay? So what if the only place in the city he went to was "The Fragrance of Tea and Poetry" —a place that Rok had recommended would be useful for them in the future.

At least he wasn't playing an aggressive drunk this time around. At least he was still completing his studies, and even studying more on his own. He'd only acted the cruel, uncaring young master once in this life, and that was during a meeting with the extended family who had so openly spoken badly about Basen. Sure, there had been some outrage from him airing their own dirty deeds to the public but they had deserved it.

More importantly, Rok still hadn't answered him.

"Are you listening?" Cale called, placing his palm down firmly on the desk in front of Rok's field of view, the noise just loud enough to draw the dragon's attention back to him. "I asked if you had thought about being my cousin."

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