Chapter 17: Bill Ethan

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Ethan sat against the far wall irritated but watching and judging "if you don't get her to open up she won't unlock her full potential."

"Shut it Ethan," Ardor quickly ducked as an attack barely missed him.

"Would you pay attention!" Ethan bellowed

"Kinda hard to when you are barking at us!" Ardor landed a blow that startled her sending her attacks in wild directions.

"Focus!" Ethan bellowed at her

A stray attack launched in anger at Ardor hit Rime right in the butt "Fuck!"

"Time out" Ethan rubbed his forehead "we are getting nowhere."

"Go hit the gym..." Rime ordered while rubbing his sore butt.

Ardor walked over and sat down by Ethan "have you found anything new about VARE?"

"No," Ethan sighed "I'm missing something right under my nose, I know it."

Rime came over and leaned against the wall "have you compared the list of survivors to the VARE records?"

"Yes, multiple times." He sighed in frustration

"What about comparing the victims to the list of survivors..." Ardor was deep in thought and didn't notice Ethan and Rime suddenly turning to look at him.

"What?" He noticed their faces "Then see how that matches the events of that day?"

"No, I haven't tried that." Ethan stood up and darted out of the training hall.

"That was a good idea" Rime complimented him.

"How's the ass?"

"Eh, you look fine to me." Rime chuckled

Ethan rushed to his computer and started typing "if I find what I think I'm going to find," he sighed "I'm going to kick myself..."

After several hours he finally realized what he needed to look for, entering the perimeters of the search he sat back expecting a long wait.

However, the screen buzzed the results to life rather quickly and Ethan groaned "right under my nose..."

He copied the results to a tablet and darted out the door back to the training hall "Ardor, Rime please tell me you are still here!"

"Yep, in between torture sessions." Rime caught his breath "got something?" Ardor was sitting but Rime was still standing.

Ethan sat down by Ardor and took a deep breath "boy do I," he handed over the tablet "it was just a distraction, based on the facts the attack was supposed to disorient the adults and kill only certain youth."

"The people who died weren't the targets?" Rime was confused.

"No, the targets all survived."

"How," Ardor asked "how did the attack go that wrong?"

"Miscalculation?" Rime shrugged 

"That would have to be a rather large miscalculation..." Ethan stood up and paced as he thought aloud "the target was rather specific, I believe who they were really after is here in our group."

"All of the survivors from the center area of the city are." Rime responded

"The point is," Ethan took a deep breath "they are planning something, from what I can tell it is aimed at the government itself." He shrugged "they needed someone specific out of the way so nobody could stop them."

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