Chapter 29: Teardrops

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The group arrived at the cliffs and separated quickly. Mayne headed to the tree line to heal some of the victims while the rest of the group spread out across the edge of the cliff.

Reynolds stepped up behind the group cautiously "Vivian!" She collected her emotions and focused like Ethan had taught her. "You don't have to do this, we can heal you!"

"Don't you understand, it was his plan." She shot into the group on the cliff and several group members hit the dirt to dodge the blasts while two fell, injured... it was Ethan and Qa. Mayne and Elissa collected them and brought them back to the tree line to be healed.

"Then this wasn't your fault, you're a victim too..." she pushed forward past her fear "you're not going to be blamed because some asshole..."

"I love him!" She brushed aside a tear "I don't want you to heal me, I can't loose him again!" She screeched and shot into the group again this time aiming for Reynolds. Ardor and Rime dove to block the attack taking the blast to their arms on opposing sides.

"No!" Mayne panicked and started to rush forward but Elissa stopped her and held her back.

"We're fine Mayne... just focus." Rime pleaded as Cogent came back to cool and redirect Mayne back to the injured.

       Mayne pushed against them and rushed forward launching an unexpected attack on V. Sending her backwards in surprise. Ethan rushed forward and grabbed Mayne's shoulder. "Hold tight Ethan" Mayne launched a joint attack that landed hard holding her in a state of cleansing electric shock "I don't care what happened or who hurt you or whatever bullshit you can come up with to excuse your actions... you don't have the right to kill!" 

       She released her and watched as she tumbled to the water "we can't let you hurt anyone else." She readied for another attack as she thought of her parents.

        Just before V would have hit the water her eyes popped open and her arms shot out palms up throwing water and ice shards flying towards the cliff, "incoming!" Ethan screamed. V pivoted her hands towards the water gripping it to stop the fall. She glanced up and smirked happily as the water tossed everyone around and ice shards left scratches and scrapes over everyone. She scanned her mind for what to do next then froze in anger.

        Ethan limped up from the sidelines where everyone had been thrown by the water and ice "Savin is gone," he shoved Mayne back towards the trees "run Mayne, she is out to kill now."

Mayne pushed his arm away "keep working on reorganizing her mind" she stepped forward shoving lightning after lightning at V as she soared into the air out maneuvering V easily.

      With Mayne and V paired up each move was evenly matched. Ethan tried to argue but he quickly realized Mayne was the only one that could do this, V was too strong at this point and no one else could hold their own against her. "No," he stopped Rime and Ardor "Mayne is right, this is her fight..." he moved to a different location to get a better shot at V "keep V busy... give Mayne backup from here" he shot all his attention to V trying with all his might to sort through the chaos and anger in her head.

    "You can stop now," Mayne tried to reason with her "he was a traitor, a creep... he didn't deserve you" she dodged a wave and sent electricity through it sending V tumbling again. This time she hit the water and sank. Slowly walking up to the surface like she was climbing stairs.

     "You killed him!" V screamed and shot ice at Mayne.

     "No I didn't." Mayne shot warm electricity in a sheet outwards that melted the ice before it reached the cliff. "Fragments of a mind does not make a person. How can a fragment hold you, kiss you..."

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