Chapter 12: Mayne's Power

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       Rime gently kissed her, "Wakey, wakey... you have slept through the day" She wiggled and tried to hide in the blanket.

       Ardor came up and tickled her through the blanket, Mayne responded by tickling Rime.

       "Hey no fair!" He giggled

       She poked her head out "did you seriously just giggle?" She laughed.

       "Men can giggle too" he replied "if you think that makes me less of a man," he smiled "I'll show you tonight how much of a man I really am." Mayne blushed and he smiled "hmm..." he kissed her gently. "Dinner, Mom & Dad are barbecuing."

       "And forewarning, if you don't start calling them Mom & Dad you're going to insult them." He folded the quilt as Mayne stretched.

"I had the weirdest dream, I think it might have been a vision."

"Anything we should worry about?" Ardor handed the blanket to Rime as he walked by headed from their bathroom out the bedroom door to let them know she was finally awake.

"No," she puzzled "I saw you two training me. It felt so real, the dream or vision, whatever it was felt so real. It lasted like 15 years!"

"Yeah, that is probably how long it will take to train you dear."

"No, you don't understand..." she looked at her hands "I think you already have." She called forth the lightning and felt the control within her. The lightning stayed in place on her hand not moving around but acting as if it were a current between her fingers. "Watch what I learned you two can do with me." Ardor raised an eyebrow as Mayne reached for his hand with her Lightning free one. As she grabbed his hand the lightning in her hand changed color to red & gave off intense heat.

"Whoa," Ardor was amazed "we react?" He gasped "how, nobody has ever been able to react like that with a set of twins like us?" He turned towards the hallway and focused. In her mind she heard him summoning Rime "I felt that..." she smiled

Ardor looked at her again "you heard that?"

"Yeah, like a feeling in my mind"

Rime had emerged at the right time. "Can you duplicate what you felt."

Ardor dropped her hand and the lightning went back to white just before she silenced it "I can try" she closed her eyes and focused reaching out with her mind and sending the same pulse she felt from Ardor.

"I can feel that" Rime was shocked

"Same here" Ardor's breathing hitched a bit then he continued "what does this mean?"

"I don't know," Rime folded his arms across his chest. "Is there anything you haven't told us?"

"I have an innate healing ability, I used it to heal..."

"Grammy," they both finished for her.

"Yes," Rime smiled "We know, that is typically part of a Bio-mage... but is there anything beyond that?"

"No," she tried to think, the end of the vision was blurred like there was something she didn't need to concern herself with. "when I finally reached the point of ability I apparently am now at, you two called me something weird."

"What?" Ardor was intrigued

"Sensorymage" she replied

They both smirked "well, that does explain it." Rime smiled "A sensorymage is a higher evolution of a Bio-Mage. It is someone who understands the movement of everything around them spiritually and physically beyond the Biological or technical aspect of things. They just get how things work."

"This can be trained into someone or gained naturally." Ardor grinned "Could her parents have developed a way to train a child to be stronger than normal."

"If so then that's possibly what VARE was after." Rime grimaced "that's what they were trying to stop or destroy."

Ardor moaned "they knew that with this discovery the Elite could not be destroyed like they were planning... it was a desperate attempt to keep their end goal."

"Then VARE failed," Mayne bragged "my parents never took anything they were developing out of their Eido." She smiled "If they did learn how to train a child to be stronger, then the information is there. And all we need to do is access it," she smiled, sure of herself "the information is there."

       Mayne tried to unlock the parts of the vision that were blurred but felt a swift slap on the back of her head that made her back off. "Okay," she thought "I will leave it alone."

"This doesn't mean anything negative about you..." Rime raised his eyebrows "you know that right?"

"Huh..." she caught up quickly then smiled "Yeah, I know." She grabbed their arms "Come on, I want to show you what else I learned."

"What is that" Ardor usually hated being dragged around but this was oddly arousing.

"I can fly." She bragged "by using the lightning, I can fly." She grimaced "it's just landing that I never got the hang of."

"Um," Rime was now concerned "I don't know if this is a good idea then dear."

"Maybe we should fill everyone in on what we have learned first" Ardor asked

"Fine," she let their arms go "cowards"

"No, we aren't afraid of flying..." Rime rubbed his arm where she had grabbed it, clearly she had gotten stronger while she slept.

"It's not the flying part dear it's the falling." He offered her his arm again "I liked that, drag me around again" he smirked

Mayne laughed and kissed him "if you insist." She grabbed his arm and dragged him out into the yard. Ardor gave a happy whoop

"Seriously bro.." Rime followed close behind, shaking his head in confusion and embarrassment.

It took longer than they had expected to discuss the new information. They had paused long enough to eat dinner then afterward the conversation picked right up again.

       Mayne dismissed herself from the conversation and made her way over to mom's side. She sat off in back alone just watching the discussion but not interfering. "Something about you makes me concerned." Mayne quietly whispered to her.

       "I'm not sure, most of it is blurred." She rubbed her head "I tried to unblock it but I think I got slapped up the back of my head for trying."

      Mom chuckled "yes you probably did." She wrapped her arms around her "you see dear, some visions will cover things that are irrelevant because the vision depends on one event that won't happen in reality for one reason or another." She smiled and brushed at Mayne's hair. "Basically, remember how it felt" she kissed her forehead "but let the rest go."

     "Thank you Mom," Mayne relaxed and let herself drift to sleep in Mom's lap as the rest discussed various things.

       Dad came over and sat down by Mom and smiled, "you look happier?"

       "I feel happier," she sighed "this is the first time one of their girlfriends has even cared about me at all..." she smiled down at Mayne "she called me Mom."

     He hugged her tenderly "tomorrow I will work on more of the paperwork, the only thing that is agreed on over there is concern for her safety so more paperwork will be done ASAP." He sighed taking pleasure in mom's sudden shift of emotion. "With Mayne's degrees and strength we need to give her every chance we can for her to get ahead."

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