Chapter 21: Double

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     Mayne watched as they identified who Vivian contacted. "Ms Reynolds?" She gasped "but she was so sweet and helpful during the aftermath." 

     "It doesn't make sense, why would the person in charge try and contact a mole..." Ardor puzzled

   "Unless Vivian isn't in charge." Rime quipped

    "The voice I heard did not belong to Vivian or Ms Reynolds."

Ethan turned to her "are you sure?"


"So we have a new player in this..." Ethan leaned back in the chair "how do we coax them out of hiding?"

"Something doesn't make sense, " Mayne was confused "nothing tells me the name but I know the gender is female," she started to pace "every time I ask it shows me Vivian but says it's not her." She rubbed her temples trying to focus "the voice was familiar, but not one I have heard yet," she let out an exasperated sigh "the visions just keep showing Vivian Black."

Then it happened Vivian's voice changed "I have warned you" she started

"Madam V?" Ms Reynolds stuttered "Vivian didn't say you were there?"

"Vivian doesn't need to announce me pest." Vivian's voice was now the voice.


"Shut it!" Madam V ordered "clearly you have fucked up somewhere or they wouldn't be breathing down my throat!"

"Vivian said..."

"Vivian isn't in charge of this I am." She screeched.

"I don't understand" Rime asked "you mean Vivian was arguing with herself in the vision Mayne had?"

"It appears like it," Ethan was surprised himself "this type of condition isn't impossible, not unheard of to..."

"You're referring to Dissociative Identity Disorder, the problem is she is aware," Ardor frowned "aware enough to be able to argue with the other personality."

"Could it be less mental condition and more Elite?" Mayne asked "we know that Elite's can be..." she tried to find the right word "difficult?" She shrugged "maybe this is like an Elite version of Dissociative Identity Disorder," she frowned trying to concentrate "or maybe it's more simple. My parents came across several people who had been adversely effected by an Elite. They determined it was possible for a Mind bending Elite to leave a fragment of themselves behind in a person without realizing."

"Did Vivian have anyone in her life at any point that hand any of the mind bending abilities?" Rime asked

"I don't know off hand," Ethan shrugged "but I will be doing more research after this."

As soon as they had all the evidence they were going to get Ethan contacted Theus. "Hey, you're never going to believe this one."

     "What are we dealing with?" Theus asked

    "Vivian Black is either dealing with Dissociative Identity Disorder or Mind Bending Fallout." Theus gasped and Ethan chuckled "never would have guessed ourselves, she hides it well."

     "Seriously?" Theus was stunned "did she contact who you thought she would?"

     "Yes, she contacted Ms. Reynolds" Ethan took a deep breath "Reynolds is all yours to deal with, we need to start researching Vivian's history to determine what exactly we are dealing with."

     "If I get my hands on any information that will help I will send it your way." Theus promised "so, can we plan to meet say Friday to exchange information."

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