Chapter 23

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~*~*~Liam’s POV~*~*~

I was sitting in my dressing room, just staring at my laptop screen. I was looking at Hayley’s twitter feed for the thousandth time tonight. I just refreshed the page and saw there was a new post:


Going to the one direction concert. So dang excited -_- cant you feel the excitement?

Any thoughts about me seeing Hayley and everything being ok just flew out the window. She obviously doesn’t want to go to the concert tonight, which also means she doesn’t want to see me. Her tweet already had 89 retweets. Do people not like our band that much?

“Liam! Sound check’s in 5 minutes!” One of the techies screamed through the door.

I sighed. I really needed to stop thinking about Hayley. I mean, I had a concert tonight with thousands of screaming fans who actually want to see me, and Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. I mean, what guy wouldn’t want that? I grabbed my Jack Willis sweatshirt and headed out onto the stage for sound check. I was handed a mike and I sat down on my stool. The lads were sitting in a circle with my chair. I lost myself as the first chords of I Should’ve Kissed You played.

I couldn’t help but think back to when I was “dating” Hayley. When I knew what I wanted, and I could actually have it, have her. She’s the only person who seemed to know me for me. The real Liam Payne, not the person everyone wants me to be. I could burp and fart in front of her and she wouldn’t care, well wouldn’t care that much at least.

I missed being able to date who I wanted to date, to talk to who I wanted to talk to without having a huge scandal in the next day’s paper. I missed not being famous and my only worries was whether or not Rebecca Vaughn noticed me or not, and just worrying about my grades in school. To be able to kiss Hayley and not have it plastered in magazines for the whole world to see.

I truly should’ve kissed her more when I had the chance. That one kiss still haunts me in my dreams. I would see her beautiful face smiling up at me, and I could feel her slightly chapped lips moving against my own. The way her waist felt so soft and feminine in my hands, the way her chest  pressed against my chest. It was something I don’t think I’ll ever forget, or ever experience again. I had done a good job of making sure she’s never want to talk to me, or see me ever again.


After we went through the concert, song by song, all of us were sent off to wardrobe and make-up. As we were walking into wardrobe, Harry came up behind me, nudging my shoulder with his own.

“Hey mate, why the long face?” Harry asked, concern showing on his face.

“Well, I was reading Hayley’s tweets-“

“Again? You really should stop doing that Liam, it just makes you even more depressed.” Harry said, cutting me off.

“I know, but I can’t help myself. Anyway, I saw on one of her tweets that she’s coming to the concert tonight. But she doesn’t want to go, she seemed like dying sounded better to her than going to the concert. I’m just dreading seeing her, but at the same time, I’m excited to see her again. I just don’t know what to do Harry.” I covered my face with my hands.

“Liam, listen. You need to stop worrying about her. She just needs some time to get over all of this. I mean, she’s going through a lot now. And trust me, she still likes you, I promise. I mean, have you seen the way she looked at you? There’s no way she doesn’t like you. You just gotta show her you still feel the same way, and she’ll come running back to you. Trust me on this one, ok man?” Harry said, putting his arm around me shoulders.

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