Chapter 7

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~*~*~Liam’s POV~*~*~

I wasn’t looking forward to tonight. The only tickets I got were the front row tickets, probably because Paul thought I wanted to see Hayley. I didn’t want to see her, let alone have her close enough to touch! I glanced at my watch. It was only 2. I had 5 more hours till the concert started, five more hours till I see Hayley. The worst part is that she’s in center stage, right where I’m bound to see her.

“Hey Liam. You alright? You’ve been staring at your phone for the last five minutes. Liam?” Niall sat down next to me, concern etched all over his face. I just sighed again.

“I don’t know if I can do it tonight Niall. She’s going to be there, right in the front might I add, and I don’t think I can face her.” I hung my head, ashamed that I’ve let a girl stop me from wanting to go out on stage and perform for your lovely fans.

“Liam, you’ve got to talk to her. I know you, and I know somewhere in you, you fancy this girl.” I let out a chuckle.

“Like I could fancy someone like her. She used me Niall!” Niall just shook his head at me.

“Mate, let me see your phone. I wanna see the texts.” I handed Niall my phone and he opened up my messages. He read through them and just started laughing.

“Niall! I know a lot of things seem funny to you, but this isn’t one of them!” I yelled. How could he laugh at that?

“Because, Liam you’re an idiot.”


“Liam! Look at these! She was only trying to get tickets, to OUR concert!” Niall shoved the phone under my nose. I saw my “mistake” in all of its shining glory.

To HayleyGURRL:

Hey hay! And yes its my real number, I wouldn’t do that to you! And thanks for not leaking! [: I still haven’t forgotten about your question before don’t make me tell the boys about it, and you know they wont stop at anything to get you to tell them [: Li-li

From HayleyGURRL:

Aw thanks li-li. As for the boys, DON’T TELL THEM I ASKED YOU THIS! It would be really embarrassing! Anywho, as for my question, I don’t know how to say it, so ill just say it: is there any way you can give me 2 tickets for your concert in July at New Jersey? [:

To HayleyGURRL:

Hey hay, I wont tell them that you used me to get tickets! I should’ve known someone was trying to get me to give them something, that’s all everyone wants! You just want a way to say that liam payne gave you tickets so you don’t have to pay for them. Ill make a deal with you, you tell no one I gave you these tickets and ill give them to you, and I don’t want you to talk to me ever again. –Liam

I couldn’t see what I did wrong! I mean she did use me for tickets, even if they are for our concert. But I still couldn’t shake that away. I thought she was the one fan who wasn’t going to ask for something signed or tickets just because they knew the famous Liam Payne. But I was so wrong.

“Liam, you’re even more hard-headed than I am, and that’s saying something.” I just sighed and re-read the messages again. Why did she have to ask that? I was finally getting over Danielle’s break up with me. Hayley made me all happy and giddy inside. Why did she, or apparently, me mess this whole thing up? Why am I so stubborn?

~*~*~Hayley’s POV~*~*~

“Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You’re giving me backstage passes for the concert tonight?” I asked, surprised the curly-haired boy would even say such a thing.

“Yeah. You have no idea how happy you made liam, and I’d do anything to get him back.” Harry reached into his back pocket and protruded two backstage passes.

“You carry backstage passes in your pocket?!”

“Hey! You never know when they will come in handy for staying undercover. These things keep almost any Directioner calm.” He smiled and got up, glancing at his watch. “Well, I better be getting off. I’ll see you two ladies later then?” We both nodded and waved goodbye as Harry walked off, shoving his hands into his pocket. I sat down, still in a daze that Harry FREAKING Styles was just talking to Jamie and I, and gave us backstage passes to the concert!

I put my elbows on the table, resting my head in my hands. I felt something plastic next to me elbow, I looked over my arm and saw a white iPhone 4 just sitting on the table. I stared at it for a few minutes trying to figure out who’s it could be.

“Holy Ships! Jamie! Harry left his phone!” I grabbed her arms and started shaking her.

“Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. He’s long gone, so lets just see if he calls it OK? Just keep it in your pocket.”I nodded, glad that Jamie was here. She was always blessed with the ability to keep a calm mind during any situation.

“So, I guess we should head home and get ready?” I asked, looking over at Jamie.

“Uh, sure. It’s not like we have anything else to shop for, right?”

“Wait a minute. There is one thing….”

~*~*~Liam’s POV~*~*~

“LEEYUM! I NEED YOUR HELP!” Harry came running into my room screaming. I jumped and covered my ears.

“Jeez Harry! What’s your problem?!”

“I need you to call my phone. I think I left it in the mall.”

“Ok, let me se- wait a minute. You left your PHONE in the MALL?!?!” I threw my arms up in the air. Harry always seems to be losing something. I dug my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

“No Liam! You do it! There might be some creeper with it!” Hary flung my phone back at me and hid behind the couch. I shook my head and unlocked my phone. One it was dialing I started to pace around the room, trying to think of a way to explain how to get the phone back from whoever has it.

“H-hello?” A girl’s voice came over the line.

“Um, hi. Who is this?” I asked, hoping to at least see who has his phone.

“Um, this is Hayley, Hayley Richardson. Is this Harry?” I almost dropped the phone. How the heck did Hayley get Harry’s phone? I glanced over at the curly haired boy to find that he was smiling.

“You better run Harry.” I muttered. His smile instantly dropped as he took off out of the room, locking the door behind him. I pounded on the door.


“Uh, hello? Is this Liam? What’s going on? Why is there screaming about making sure someone can’t have children? HELLO?!” Hayley’s voice came from my ear, I still had the phone pressed against it. I sat down.

“Yes this is Liam, and if Harry doesn’t open this door, I’m going to make sure he will NEVER have  children.” I responded. Harry better thank his lucky stars that we have a concert in a few hours, so I can’t hurt him now.

“Oh, that sounds, um, fun?” I sighed. This was not going to be pleasant. Her voice even sounded nice! Why does this have to happen to me? Right before we have to have a concert where I’ll see Hayley? Why does the world hate me today?

hey guys!! I UPDATED!! YAY!!!!!! ugggghhhhh but i still have homework to do -____- grrrrrr anyways, i hoped you liked this chapter!! do you guys think Liam will ever forgive hayley?? And Harry's a mischevious little boy >:D like always please VOTE, FAN, and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT if you liked this chapter!! :DDD

~Erica <333 |:^{D

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