Chapter 24

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~*~*~Liam’s POV~*~*~

After going through make-up and wardrobe, I wandered back into the main dressing room for everyone to hang out in, including the dancers. There was a new dancer that kept to the corner of the room. She had brown hair that was dip-dyed blonde at the tips. It was an interesting combination, but it looked good on her. I walked over to her, introducing myself.

“Hey! You must be the new dancer. Hi! I’m Liam, but everyone calls me daddy Direction here.” I said, shaking her hand.

“Hi. My name’s Aria and I know. I’m kind of a, what do you call it? Closet directioner.” She said, blushing. I couldn’t help but notice her hazel blue eyes. Very interesting indeed.

“So, why are you all alone in the corner? It’s very lonely over here. Here, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

I grabbed her arm and led her around the room. I first started off with the rest of the guys, figuring she actually knew their names at least. Then I introduced her to the other dancers and then the band.

“Our drummer, Josh Devine, is probably still in wardrobe now, but you can meet him later. So, this is our guitarist, Dan Richards, and this is our bassist, Sandy Beales. Here’s some advice, never play truth or dare with these guys, they will make you do the weirdest things.”

“Hey! You know you like them.” Sandy said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Speak for yourself man! Just don’t pay attention to Sandy. He’s always mad because Nickelodeon copied his name and gave it to a squirrel that lives underwater.” Don said, giving Sandy a punch on the shoulder.

“Which one do I listen to?” Aria whispered in my ear.

“Neither, they’re both complete idiots.” I said, smiling.

“Watch it Daddy Direction! I know where you sleep!” Sandy said.

“I will bring spoons!” Don yelled.

“Okay okay! I take it back! You two fools aren’t idiots!” I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

“Spoons? What’s spoons have to do with this?” Aria asked, looking totally lost.

“Oh, Liam’s just deathly afraid of spoons. Legend has it that he was chased around his house by his next door neighbor with a spoon and that’s why he’s afraid of them.” Don said, putting his arm around Aria’s neck.

“Alright! Moving on!” I said, dragging Aria away from Don and Sandy before she was dragged into their world of terror. I walked her towards the corner of the room, directly opposite from the one that I dragged her out of.

“Aria, this is Jon Shone, our pianist. Jon, this is Aria, the new dancer.”

“You play piano? That’s so cool! I used to play piano!” Aria squealed.

“Really? That’s awesome! I haven’t met a girl who plays piano in a long time.” Jon said, staring right at me.

“Don’t look at me mate! It’s not my fault you aren’t a singer!” I said, putting my hands up and backing away.

“Really? You haven’t met any girls who play?”

“Yeah, hard to believe isn’t it?” Jon said, leaning against the wall. I started to walk away, seeing that Aria had found someone to talk to.

“Alright everybody, 10 minutes till concert starts! Band-get into your positions! And I mean now Sandy and Don!” Paul yelled, walking into the room. “Boys, you have 15!”

“Yes Paulie dear.” Louis yelled back.

I checked my Twitter one last time before going to get all miked up for the concert. There were the usual tweets of “I love you”s and “follow me?”s and the usual 100 or so new followers. I was at a little over 1.3 million followers now. I glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to me as I clicked on Hayley’s profile. I saw her latest tweet:

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