Chapter 16

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~*~*~Jamie’s POV~*~*~

After I texted Hayley and figured out what was going on, I decided to take a look around the set. I mean, it’s a once in a lifetime chance to be backstage at a One Direction concert, who wouldn’t snoop around?

I walked through the boy’s dressing rooms, all of which were very messy. I was especially curious about Niall’s room. I never told anyone this, but he’s my favorite band member. I mean come on! He’s Irish for one, and he loves food! He even says he loves from his heart and not his eyes. Who wouldn’t like him?

As I was walking through Niall’s bedroom, I noticed that there was an excessive amount of chip bags all over the floor, there was like 20 of them! I picked one up, Salt and Vinegar, disgusting. At least Niall’s chips are safe with me. I noticed that a certain poster was sitting in the corner of the room. It was the one I had made before the concert that I never let Hayley see. I flipped it over. Staring back at me was the bold, glittery letters on the top spelling out, “LIAM, this gurl (<- HAYLEY) is in PAYNE, got Advil?” At the bottom of the poster was another part written more towards Niall, “hey you just met me, and this is crazy, but you're Irish, so chat me maybe? @Irish&FoodisLIFE.” Luckily, we had front row seating so they could read both parts pretty well. Well enough that Niall saw it and grabbed it after we all went backstage after the last song. Before I could pick it up, I could hear footsteps walking up behind me.

“What are you doing here?” A shrill voice asked. I whirled around to be face-to-face with the same business woman that stopped Hayley and I when we first got backstage.

“I-I was just looking for my friend.” I stammered. I started to walk towards the door, only to be cut off by her.

“Well be sure you and your friend leave here soon. I don’t like random teenage girls wandering all over the place.” She walked off muttering about “stupid hormonal teens” under her breath.

Take you and your friend and leave blah blah blah.” I mimicked. I stuck my tongue out at her back and walked towards the door. I reached into my back pocket and took Hayley’s keys out. I always take her keys just in case something happens. Let’s just say that Hayley isn’t the best driver in stressful situations.

I walked over to the car and hopped in. I guess I’ll drive over to the hospital and see how she’s doing. By now she’s probably in hysterics and hyperventilating. She always starts to get worked up about the littlest things. But I love her for it. She’s the person that would cry over hitting a deer, or having a bird fly into a glass window. Hayley will even make a graham cracker and marshmallow trail out of her house to get the cockroaches and termites out. She’s so crazy about animals, I swear if I so much as swat at one I get reprimanded and slapped. I rolled my eyes. Typical Hayley.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and got out of the car. I glanced around the lot, trying to see if she was still here. She hasn’t answered any recent texts, so her phone probably died. I was about to walk in when I noticed a dark shadow creep around the corner of the building. My senses immediately went on red-alert. I jammed my phone and keys into my pocket and crept after the shadow. I could make out that there wasn’t just one person there.

The taller shadow was clearly leading the other shadow, rather forcefully might I add, out into the dark alleyways around the hospital. I crept after them, keeping my distance.

“Let go of me!” A voice screeched. I stopped cold. I knew that voice. That high, girly, annoying voice was one I heard almost every day. Maya. Why is she out here with someone else?

“You’re not leaving me this time, sweetheart.” A deep voice said. Derek. This can’t be good.

~*~*~Liam’s POV~*~*~

“So you’re Liam, huh?” A man asked as soon as I walked in. I looked over at him. He was in his 40s or 50s. He had light brown hair that covered most of his head, a little bald spot in the back of his head was showing. He looked very thin and frail. I could see why everyone’s so scared for him.

“Yes sir, that’s me”

“Well, I’ve almost heard nothing about you.” He said, glancing over to Hayley who buried her face in my shoulder.

“S-sorry dad. It was all kind of sudden.” She whispered.

“What was that Pumpkin?” Hayley’s dad asked.

“I said that it was all so sudden that I didn’t have time to talk about it with you Dad.” She said, a little bit louder this time.

“Sudden? How?” Hayley just glanced up at me. I guess I was supposed to answer this one.

“Well, you see sir, I’m in a very popular boy band, One Direction, and I just me you’re lovely daughter tonight at the concert.” I explained. I could feel my hands getting warm and clammy.

“So you’re in a boy band, huh?”

“Yes sir. We are on tour for our first record.” I glanced over at Hayley. She was staring intently at her father. I could tell that they were very close by the way they looked at each other. His glance was so full of love, and hers was full of concern and love as well. It was comforting to see that some people can have close relationships with their parents.

“So how did you two meet then if you’re in a band?” he asked.

“Well Daddy,” Hayley started, “I sent Liam here a tweet, you know on Twitter, and he replied to me. We started talking and we were able to meet each other at the concert that Liam was kind enough to give Jamie and I tickets to, as well as backstage passes.” Hayley specifically left out the part where I accused her of using me, which I was grateful for. I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her closer.

“It was the least I could do for her. Your daughter brought me out of a depression and lights up my world.” I said, looking into Hayley’s eyes. As I looked into them I thought about what little time we spent with each other. Hayley was an amazing girl. She was so strong and caring; she makes me want to be a better person. I know this sounds cliché, but after seeing her at her high points and her low points, I think I’m starting to fall in love with her. Not like when I thought I was in love with Dani, this is deeper, and more physical than anything I’ve ever felt before. One thing’s for sure, there was no way I’m going to let Hayley slip away again.

so hey guys!! i updated!! YAY!!!! you can thank my teachers for not giving me a lot of hw [: i just want to take this time to say a huge thank you, THANK YOU, for making the Tweet #13 in Fan Fiction and like #137 (?) in Romance!! THAT'S AWESOME GUYS!!!! when i say that, i literally freaked out!!! xDD LOL and i wanna say thanks to those who caught my mistakes throughout the story!! [: thanks!! i really appreciate it cuz i dont read over my chapters!! :P OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG WE'RE OVER 60,000 READS ON HERE!!! AND OVER 500 VOTES!!!! XDDDDD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS RULLLLLLEEE!!!!!

anyways, please VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN if you liked this chapter!! personally i dont think its all that great, but oh well [: ohhh and im planning on telling you what the poster said NEXT CHAPTER so dont kill me that i didnt tell you yewt!!! [: and maya's little story is going to be a little side drama ontop of Hayley's story. speaking o which, did you like Jamie's POV??? yeas, no maybe so???? 

i've said a lot, so ill end here!! LOL I LOVE YOU MY CREME CAKES!!!!! KEEP MAKING RAINBOWS! xD

~Ericcaaa <3333 [:^{P

ps: like the pic on the side????? when i saw it, i couldnt stop laughing!!! xDD

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