Chapter 8

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~*~*~Hayley’s POV~*~*~

After hanging up the phone with Liam, I bursted into tears.

“H-he hates me!” I screamed. I flung myself onto my bed and cried my heart out. I was glad I made sure the lady put on water-proof make-up so this won’t ruin it.

“Hayley? What’s wrong honey?” My mom called. She walked into my room and sat down on my bed. She started to rub soothing circles around my back. “Is it a boy sweetie?” I nodded my head. She just sighed. I lifted my head up to look at her. She looked stressed. Her hair was coming undone and she just looked tired.

“I accidentally made this guy I like hate me, and now he doesn’t want to see me ever again!” I threw my head back down onto my pillow. Nothing ever seems to go my way.

“Well sweetie, how much do you like him?”

“A lot. More than I’ve ever liked a guy before; and I’ve ruined it.” I started sobbing again into my trusted pillow.

“Well darling, if you like him that much, you should fight to get him back. Whatever you did can’t be that bad, just show him the real you. You’ll be surprised how often that works on boys.” She made me sit up. “Besides, you need to show him that you aren’t fazed. It’ll make him want to know why and talk to you again.”


“Yes darling?”

“Why are you so smart?” She just laughed and got off of my bed.

“It comes with years of experience. Don’t worry, I’m sure you two will work it all out.”

 I loved my mom, she always seemed to know what to say to make me feel better. The best part is that she doesn’t pry into m life. She trusts me enough to tell her things that I want her to know.

“You better get ready. Isn’t Jamie coming over at 4?” I glanced over at my clock on my desk. It said it was 3:30.

“Yeah, probably. Thanks mom! I love you.”

“Love you too sweetie. Now you better hurry up.”

I jumped off of my bed and ran over to my bags from the mall. I grabbed the skinny jeans I found. I stripped down to my bra and panties. I slipped into the jeans, still marveling at how they fit. I dug through the bags finding my shirt. I slipped that on and grabbed the earrings and the bracelets Jamie found. After I had put everything on I walked over to my vanity. I sat down and touched up my hair, making sure to spray some hairspray to keep the curls. I put on some lip gloss and grabbed my purse. I took out a few 20 dollar bills and shoved them into my pocket. I searched my room for my phone.

“Mom! Have you seen my phone?”

“Did you check under your bed?” I dove under my bed, but all I could see was dust bunnies and a shirt.

“Yeah! Is it downstairs?” I heard some noise downstairs, I assumed it was mom looking for my phone.

“It’s down here in the kid’s room!”

“Thanks mom!” I checked my hair and make-up in the mirror one last time and rushed out of my room. I grabbed my new gladiator sandals along the trip down the steps. I walked into the kid’s room, and sure enough, my phone was lying on the couch. I grabbed it and shoved it into my pocket.

“Bye mom! Love you! I’ll check in every few hours!”

“Ok, by hun! Be safe!”

I walked out to my car and waved to my mom. I jumped into my old VW bug and turned the key in the ignition.

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