Chapter 2: The Deal

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Third Person POV

It is now July 8, 2005

The rest of the week was weird for Y/N, she could always feel like someone was watching her

Angry seemed to be ignoring her, she would catch him staring but then he would look away with his angry face

She's starting to think that she made him uncomfortable when she called him cutie

Anyways, it was Friday and Y/N was on her way back home, she had just stopped by her Mother's café to pick up some sweets

The thought of her favourite treats in her mouth made her smile

Just then she bumped into a boy

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Said Y/N

"Y/N?" Said The Blonde Boy

"Huh? Do I know you?" Asked Y/N

"No...but I know you're grandma, do you know where she is?" asked The Blonde Boy

"Yeah? But why are you asking?" Said Y/N

"I need to ask her a question, could you bring me to her?" said The Blonde Boy

"No, sorry but I don't know you and you could probably just use this excuse to come into my house and stab my family," said Y/N

"I-I won't! Your grandmother's name is GM/N L/N" said The Blonde Boy

"Not many people know her do you know?" asked Y/N

"Because...My name is Takemichi Hanagaki, does your grandma have a phone?" asked Takemichi

"No, but there is the family phone and she's always at home so I can call her and she'll give her consent," said Y/N

Y/N calls her house number and her grandma picks up

"Hello?" said Grandma

"Hey grandma, there's this boy who says he knows you and wants to personally see you but I am being very paranoid right now, so could you talk to him right here," said Y/N

"My lord you are just like your Father, alright give him the phone," said Grandma

Y/N hands Hanagaki the phone

"Hi, my name is Hanagaki Takemichi, could I speak with you in private," said Takemichi

Silence is heard through Y/N for a moment when Takemichi hands her back the phone

"She wants to speak with you," said Takemichi

Y/N grabs the phone and listens to her grandma's words

"Y/N bring the boy over to our house, the other one," said Grandma

"The other house?" Thought Y/N but agreed with her grandma's words

There was always 2 houses for the L/N, the family house where they live peacefully and then there is the other house, owned by my grandmother

(Can also be called, Grandmother house)

It's surrounded by trees and has a more traditional Japanese house style, grandmother said it's their clan house

This is confusing since their name isn't a clan, at least from what Y/N was told she isn't

So they call the house the other house, the clan house, or just grandmother's house

Time Skip

Takemichi and Y/N make it to the clan house where grandma was waiting at the front entrance

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