Chapter 13: Happy New Years

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First Person POV

It was new years eve and it seem like everyone in my family has plans for New Year's Eve; my parents are going out on a date, grandma is visiting grandpa in the hospital, and my Aunt and Uncle are also going on a date

And here I am left with my 2-year-old cousin; Kane Tanaka (The Family Tree of Y/N Family is on the Info page)

Luckily, Kane is cute and I love him with all my heart, also! Angry invited me to go to a festival with him, my Grandma gave him a beautiful blue yukata and a little dark blue one for Kane as well

The festival is not too far from my house so walking there will not be a problem! I also brought a bag full of supplies; baby supplies just in case an accident happens with Kane

Time Skip
Third Person POV

Y/N made it to the festival with Kane in her arms and a bag strapped around her back, immediately she spot some familiar faces

It was Takemichi, Hinata and some other faces, Y/N was familiar with the silver-haired boy, guessing he was one of Toman Captains

"Takemichi! Hinata-Chan!" You Yelled from the distance, "Y/N!?!?" Takemichi Stutters

You run up to them, "Hello again, aw~ and who is this cutie?" Asked Hinata looking at Kane

"This is Kane, my only cousin on my mother's side" You exclaimed "Say hello Kane"

Kane turns his head away shyly and hides his head in the crook of your neck, "Haha, he is a bit shy, he's only 2 now also" You stated

"That is alright, Oh! I don't think you have met the others" asked Hinata, you look around and see a shaved-haired boy looking away and a browned-haired girl

"Well, I remember Mitsuya, but I don't think I have met the other 2 yet" You stated

"I'm Yuzuha Shiba and this is my younger brother; Hakkai Shiba" Introduced Yuzuha, she then walks close to yo"u and whispers into your ear "My brother Hakkai is very shy around girls, to the point where he just freezes when a girl comes up to him"

You with an "O" face with your mouth, "It is nice to see you both, also who are the 2 little ones I am seeing right now?" You ask seeing 2 silver haired girls hide behind Hinata

"These are my younger sisters; Luna and Mana" Stated Mitsuya with a smile, "Are you single" quickly asked Luna

Everyone was shocked but quickly the attention was shifted to you when you answer, "Nope"

"Wait, since when did you get into a relationship?!" Asked Takemichi

"Come on Takemichi, you know how I am with Souya, well I guess we did go on a date, but that makes us boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" You asked

"Souya? You mean the blue Kawata, Angry?" Yuzuha asks, you nod at her question

"Never knew that you were into someone, how long have you known him," asked Hinata

"I guess a few months, I met him on my first day of school in July, so that would make 6 months! But we had our first date a few weeks back" You answered "Speaking of which, where is Souya? He is the one that invited me here in the first place"

"Hmm, I did remember seeing Smiley but he went with Mucho, so he should be around here" answered Mitsuya

"Thank you, I should go look for him, have fun, you guys! I'll see you guys later!" You stated as you walked away

You walked around the festival looking at all the stalls, but also looking for Angry, Kane was turning left and right in your arms looking at all the bright lights

Just then I spot a familiar face

"NAHOYA!" I yell out, Smiley turns around and he was also beside a tall man

(Note: You only remember Toman Captains and Vice-Captains by name, and you have only personally met the founding members of Toman and Baji)

"Heya! Isn't it my sister-in-law!" Laughs Smiley, "Not yet but maybe in the future, also who are you?" you asked

"Ah, this is Mucho, he is a good friend to me and Souya" Smiley introduced Mucho, you remember his name from when Takemichi texted you all the Toman Captain names

"It is nice to meet you Mucho" You politely state, 'Good to meet you too, Angry has talked about you quite a lot" Mucho spoke out

"That is quite flattering" You giggled, "Y/N, did you and my brother have a secret love child or something?" Smiley asked

You freeze for a moment before bursting into laughter, "Oh no! Haha! This is my younger cousin Kane" You exclaimed

Kane being Kane tried to hide by putting his head in the crook of your neck, Smiley got closer to say his hellos and laughed a bit

Mucho also smiled from the sight, "Anyways, seeing how you are here I am going to guess you want to know where my brother is?" asked Smiley

"Yup! He is the one who invited me in the first place" you stated

"We last saw him by the food section, he should still be there" Mucho responded, Smiley, nodded in agreement

"Thank you both, I'll guess I will see you both later on! Happy New Years" You exclaimed as you started to walk away

You walked over to the food section and scanned the area, "Hey Kane, look for blue hair" You asked your younger cousin

After a while Kane yelled out, "Blue!", you turned around to see a familiar face, he soon turned his face and made eye contact with yours, "Souya!" You yelled out as you started running over to him

"Oh my, you do not know how long I have been looking for you!" You stated, "Oh! And, this is my cousin Kane, he is a bit shy"

" look pretty Y/N" complemented Souya, "Aw, you look as beautiful as well" you responded

"So...what do you want to do?" Asked Angry, "Let us just walk and chat" you stated

The both of you did exactly that, you both chatted for quite a while but soon the fireworks were about to start and a new year was about to begin

Souya then grabs your hand and says, "Follow me"

You follow him and he takes you to the forest, "Souya, I have a child with me, don't make us lost in the forest" You stated

"I won't!" I responded worriedly, you laughed at his tone of voice

The both of you soon stopped at a spot, a spot with a log, "How do you find these spots?" you ask in amazement

"Hehe, I have ways" Angry stated, you looked over at Kane's face and realized he look quite scared

"Is everything alright Kane?" You asked, "Scary face" Kane spoke out, Angry heard the boy's words and made his face slightly more relaxed

"Oh Kane, that is how Souya faces his, and I love him either way with or without it" You stated

A light blush covered Souya's face, the 2 of you took a seat on the log and soon the count down began






"Happy New Years!" Both you and Angry spoke out, Kane joined in my raising his hands up


Words: 1241

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