Chapter 18: 2/22/2006 - Part 1

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First Person POV
Today is the day...the day with the fight with Tenjiku and the day Emma is supposed to die

It is 5 pm right now and the amount of pain I feel in my stomach is not from sickness or something I ate...okay yup, it is anxiety

Yesterday I was on a call with Souya, talking about my encounter with "Blue", he attended a meeting at Musashi Shrine to tell about the attack that happened and now there is going to be a pep rally

I should say my good luck to Souya and Nahoya before they go to the fight, I'll be stalking Emma all day so I don't think I could go to the battle

Third Person POV

Suddenly your phone began to ring, it was Souya

"Heh, just as I was about to call them," You thought to yourself as you grabbed your phone

"Heya Sou-"

"Nahoya is in the hospital!" Angry yells from the other side of the screen, made you flinch a bit soon enough the words got into your head

"HEH!? What! How?! When? Where! Who? Is he alright!?" You bombarded Souya with questions about his conditions

"He and Mitsuya were attacked before our meeting at 2 pm, they are currently in the hospital...but they won't be able to attend the battle" Angry speech calms down a bit

"I'll see them at the hospital later on, and you make sure to kick those Tenji-what-its-name for what they did to Nahoya!...and Mitsuya too" you passionately speak back to Angry

He hummed in reply

"I have a busy schedule today so I don't think I will be able to talk long, take care of yourself now!" you whispered into the speaker since you were more worried that your parents (or grandma) could hear you

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow" Angry ended before the call ended

You tossed your phone onto the bed and walked to your wardrobe, flinging the doors open your blue helmet stood on one of your shoe boxes

"Please don't let anything wrong happen today" You muttered to yourself

{A/N: Hehe :)}


It is now full morning, now it is time to stalk Emma...please let no one notice me

Wait, if I wear this helmet and suit, people will notice me...

Maybe I should just wear my bulletproof vest

Third Person POV

You take off your helmet and other stuff, wearing your vest underneath and some comfortable clothing on top

Now is not the time to be cute, you might have to kick some ass

The distance from your and the Sano house is not too long but it will be better to jog

Time Skip

Once you make it to their house, you could immediately hear Emma's voice from inside, most likely her yelling at Mikey

You hide behind some bushes and waited

 are a stalker now


Emma and Mikey come out of the house together

"Heh, Mikey is with her, so she should be fine if a brawl happens..." You think to yourself

Following them slowly and out of sight, you look around the area to see if anyone was following them

After a while, the both of them make it to the cemetery, where Takemichi seems to be

"Oh, crap now he is here," You thought

Soon enough, some guys appear and talk with Mikey

"Who is he? I haven't been getting updates from Takemichi lately...well I haven't been asking him for much either...whatever right now" you mutter

You slowly walk over there, making it seem like you had stumbled upon them

But then a sound of a motorcycle is heard from the distance

You look from the side and see 2 guys (thank god for you inherited good eyesight from your mother)

Your heart started to beat once you saw the bat in one of the boys' hand

Without question you run over to Emma, grabbing her by the sleeve and pulling her back




Third Person POV


It's dark...

Well kinda...


Huh, who's talking?



I slowly open my eyes a bit and see Emma and Takemichi crying, Mikey had just picked me up on his back

"O-oh......I broke Souya's promise....tell him...I'm sorry"

"Please not now! You're going to make it" yelled Takemichi

Emma was still crying hysterically and Mikey was silent

"Take-chan.....take care of yourself Takemichi.....and tell Souya I love him from the moon and back"

Lights out


Words: 768

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