Kawata Twins - Birthday Special

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(This takes after the Tenjiku incident)

Third Person POV

You just woke up from bed, you completed your routine and had your breakfast

Yet you feel like you're forgetting something...as you get changed for school you look on your calendar and see the date

"May 25, 2005...I am missing something..." You mumbled, but you then notice the note on the side of your calendar

It reads, "Kawata Twins Birthday on May 25th"

You coughed in realization, "Shit!" You yell out, "Y/N careful with your potty mouth" Your father yelled out

"Sorry!" You apologized, you quickly dress up and went to your piggy bank

Looking at how much money you have...can't say it is a lot

"I need to buy not only Souya a gift buy Nahoya as well..." You thought to yourself "Wait, I can just buy a teddy bear for both twins, and I'll give a kiss on Souya's cheek as well!"

With that, you left your house in a rush since you still had school to go too

Time Skip

You arrived in your first period and sat down in your seat as your teacher takes attendance, but you then notice that Nahoya isn't there

"Nahoya Kawata?" Mrs. Kaido called out his name, "Um...Mrs. Kaido, the Kawata twins because it is their birthday" You stated

"Oh! Alright then, thank you for telling me" Mrs. Kaido thanked you

"I am pretty sure now that Souya isn't here as well," You thought to yourself

And you were correct, Angry wasn't in your last period classes, so they were probably celebrating

But soon enough school had ended, you ran out of your class to a nearby store and looked around for some stuffed animals

You then found a lion stuffed animal that matched Smiley hair colour, but there weren't any blue ones...

Luckily for you, there was a flower store nearby, you ran over and looked around for some flowers

You do not know his favourite type of flowers but you settled on buying 1 single rose

"Now, I just need to find the both of them.." You mumbled to yourself

You walk around the neighbourhood in hopes to find them, but to no luck

"I would text them but my phone is dead...maybe I should just go home, charge it and then text them to meet up," You thought to yourself

You agreed on the idea and started to walk home, everything was going great until you tripped

The rose fell out of your hand and onto the street, "Ouch! That hurt" You mumbled a bit, but then the sight of a car running over the rose made your eyes widen

"Fuxk!" You slightly yelled out, the flower was ruined the rose was dirty and a petal fell out

"Great, what can I give to Souya now..." You started to walk over to your house while thinking about what you can get

Then you passed by a beach filled with different coloured rocks..."What pretty rocks...rocks...ROCKS!" You yelled out

You ran towards the beach looking for a rock that will look the best, now here are the rocks you have found so far...

There was a shiny white rock, a rocky blue rock, and a green rock as well, you had trouble with picking on out of the 3 since they didn't appeal to you the most

then in the corner of your eye, you spot a rock with a specific colour scheme that made you think of something

The rock was the size of the palm of your hand, and the colour was blue on one side and faded into another colour [E/C] (Eye-Colour)

It reminded you of your eye colour and Souya's eye colour, both faded into one another, and it was not too small either so it would be the perfect gift

You picked it up and opened up your bag, you grabbed your water bottle and washed the rock making cleaner

Then you put it in your bag with the other gift and continued your walk home, it was now 4:30 pm

While walking to your home you spot a bathhouse, "Got to make plans to go there with the girls one day" You mumbled to yourself

Just then you spot a familiar duo, the Haitani brothers...you were wearing your blue helmet during the fight so they should not remember you

You were going to avoid them since you vividly remember they had with Souya, but then you spot some coral coloured hair

"Smiley?" You spoke out, Smiley walked out and when he heard his name he looked at you

"Hey! Y/N! What are you doing over here" Smiley asks as he walks over

"Well, I was walking over to my home so I can charge my phone to call you guys, but here you guys are...Souya is here right?" You ask

"Yup! OI BRO! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE" Smiley yells out

"Girlfriend? Haha! Cry baby has a girlfriend?" Laughs Rindou, Rin then starts to walk over to you but Smiley stands in front of you

"You want to have a problem now punk?" Smiley asks cracking his fingers

"Rin, we are still outside the bathhouse, no fighting still~ and, we don't want to scare the little lady" Ran speaks out

Just then Angry walks out and sees you, "Y/N!" he spoke out and walks toward you

"Hello, my dear! Also, happy birthday to the both of you" You spoke out

"T-Thank you" Angry mutter loud enough for you to hear

"You're welcome!" You responded, "Come on now Rin, it is better we leave now, it was nice seeing you princess" Ran spoke out as he started to leave

"Fine...see you" Rin stated as he followed his brother

"Haha, finally those brats left!" Smiley laughed, "Y/N do you want me to walk you home?" Angry asked

"Oh no, I am fine but I wanted to give you both a present" You stated

"Oh?" questioned Smiley, you opened up your bag and handed Smiley the coral lion plushie

"Haha! Thank you Y/N!" Smiley laughed holding the gift

"And for Souya..." You stated, that you then grabbed Angry hand and placed the rock in his hand

There was silence. And then the sound of Smiley laughter, "Y-Y/N...why do I have a rock?" Angry asked

"Well...I could not find a teddy bear for you so I decided to buy a rose...which got run over by a car...and I found this rock by the beach and look!" You said, you grabbed Angry hand which had the rock and pointed at it

"One side is blue, which matches your eye colour and the other side matches my colour! Also, I did have something else to give to you as well..." You stated

You can see a light blush on Souya's cheek, "T-Thank you...but what is the other gift" Angry asked

You placed your hand on his cheek and pulled him in and placed a kiss on the corner of his lip

"There!" You stated, his light pink blush turned into a darker pink, the moment was lovely but then...


You laughed at the words, "Haha...I guess I will see you boys tomorrow then, Bye-Bye!" You stated as you started to walk away

"See you Y/N!" Smiley stated as he waved goodbye

Angry on the other hand has stopped working

All you can now say is mission completed


Words: 1271

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