Chapter 9: Thousand

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Third Person POV

Y/N quickly opened her eyes and sat on the bed, she felt water on her cheeks and touched her face...she was crying?

She looked around her room in confusion, "What...that felt so normal person has dreams from the future...wait..." Y/N thought to herself

Y/N looked around and spotted her phone on her bedside table, quickly she picked it up and checked the date

"November 19th...12:57 pm, it is the middle of the that dream, it felt like 3 days and 2 nights...I need to find Takemichi..." Y/N told herself

She clearly remembered waking up at 6 am to do some chores and heading back to sleep, it had been 3 hours since

She texted Takemichi and asked if they could meet up but he didn't respond, so using her brain she found out he had his location on and followed him

When she found him he was with another boy, what caught her off guard was that Takemichi looked a little beaten up

She was going to go up to him but then she overheard something he wasn't clear since she was quite a far distance but she got the main part of the sentence

"I can time travel, Chifuyu," Takemichi said to Chifuyu

Chifuyu...yes, she remembers him as the vice-captain of that first division, she has only seen him at the Valhalla fight, not much is known about him

Y/N observes their conversation a little further and it seems like Chifuyu believes

"Oi! Hanagaki! Did you see my text?" Yelled Y/N as she walked over to the two

"Y/N, this is great timing we have a new partner!" stated Takemichi pointing at Chifuyu

"Huh? Who is she?" asked Chifuyu

Y/N quickly answered his question, "My name is Y/N L/N, I and Takemichi got to know each other through my grandmother, and I agreed to help him with his time travel and saving his friends as well as for my benefit, we have met the Valhalla incident"

"There were no girls at the incident..." Chifuyu's voice trailed as he realized who she was "Oh my god, you were that Blue cat that showed up"

Y/N nodded, "I agreed to help Takemichi, but I didn't want my own life to be interrupted and I wanted to be safe, so I bought some stuff and then boom. I don't know why my grandma decided to buy a blue cat-eared motorcycle helmet but she did..."

Before she knew it, Chifuyu was hugging her

"Thank you" he stated, "Huh" Y/N spoke in confusion

"You are a big reason why Baji-san is still alive, I owe a lot to you now..." stated Chifuyu

Y/N nodded with a smile on her face, "I understand, you're welcome"

"Anyways, you 2 are the only ones that know I can time travel now...anyways! Y/N I just got a message from you, you wanted to talk about something?" spoke Takemichi

"Should I leave?" asked Chifuyu, "No, it's better if you stayed actually" exclaimed Y/N

"Alright then, what seems to be the case?" Chifuyu asked

Y/N then explains the strange she had, about having full dreams that felt like 3 days, and what happened on those 3 days

"Wait, you're dating Angry?" asked Chifuyu, "Well, not yet, but based on the dream we go on a date at Mr. Tanaka's ramen shop!" exclaimed Y/N

"I time travelled on the 18th and returned on the 19th, you had dreams on the 17th, 18th, and the 19th...Wait, do you think its because of my time travel ability?!" questioned Takemichi

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