Chapter 1

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Me and the girls were walking to school chatting. We all had the suspicion that the guys were cheating on us. The girls were a little upset but not as much as I was. I mean HOW COULD THEY PLAY WITH OUR FEELINGS?! They said they loved us and wouldn't hurt us! Bitch y'all lied! We were walking into school when Kiba, Sai, Hiroshi, Gaara and Kankuro came running towards us. They skidded to a stop in front of us panting.

"Girls! The guys......they're cheating!" Kiba gasped out. We all froze but the girls just shrugged like it was no big deal.

"We kinda had a suspicion they were. Now it's confirmed." Sakura said. We walked off to our classes but I decided to break off from the group and to go find Takeo. I didn't know the other girls had also left to go find their boyfriends. Well. Soon to be ex boyfriends. I walked down a hallway trying to find Takeo. And find him I did. He was making out with Ava, his most loyal fangirl that would die for him. Literally. His hands were reaching under her shirt while her hands were pulling on his hair. I cleared my throat loudly and Takeo snapped his head over to me and paled.

"Naomi! W-What are y-you doing h-here?" He stuttered and pushed Ava away and tried hiding her with his body. Idiot. I've already seen her.

"Takeo the better question is what are you doing here? Making out with Ava while you have a whole ass girlfriend." I said emotionless.

"I don't know what your talking about, Naomi. I didn't do any such thing." He said crossing his arms. I gave him an unconvinced look.

"Really? 'Cause I'm pretty sure when I walked in here you were ready to rip her shirt off and fuck her here." I growled at him. He paled but didn't back down.

"That didn't happen. You seen wrong. Doesn't surprise me you seen wrong. You've always been blind. You need to get your eyes checked, sweetheart." Takeo said. That's it! I stomped over to him and grabbed his shirt collar before dragging him out of the classroom and towards the courtyard. When we got there I threw him harshly onto the ground. He grunted before trying to stand but only fell back down when my fist connected with his nose. His hands shot up to hold his bleeding nose while he glared at me.

"Takeo. You're a piece of shit. Not only have you cheated on me but I've heard that the other guys also cheated on the girls! Is it true?" I growled. He paled but didn't say anything. I growled again before grabbing his hair and yanking harshly causing him to groan. "Answer me! Is it true?"

"Yes! Yes it's true!" He answered trying to get out of my grip. He was failing.

"Why would y'all cheat?" I glared at him.

"Because y'all are bitches! Too easy to have. Y'all weren't fun! Y'all girls are too ugly to get someone so we showed pity. And this is how you treat me for showing you pity?! For showing you love?!" Takeo growled. I had enough and punched him over and over in the face.

"You can say whatever you want about me but you will not bad mouth my sisters! Go to hell Takeo!" I yelled while continuing to punch his face. His nose and mouth was gushing blood. Broken nose and a busted lip. He had a black eye and his left eye was sure to be swollen. Even as I heard a scream I didn't stop. Until I was roughly yanked off of Takeo. I struggled against the person that had me in their arms.

"Enough! Someone get Mr. Saito to the nurses office! Mrs. Nakaya calm down!" The voice that was holding me said. I glanced behind me to see Kakashi holding me. I glared and thrashed around as he dragged me out of the courtyard. I was brought into the principals office. Lady Tsunade sat there with Mrs. Shizune standing beside her.

"Mrs. Nakaya what was the reason of you assaulting Mr. Saito?" Tsunade asked. I sat with my arms crossed and a grumpy look on my face.

"He cheated on me. Along with the other guys cheating on my sisters. He thought it was a good idea to call my sisters bitches and to bad mouth them. Saying shit like we're too easy and too ugly to get someone so they showed us pity and 'loved us'." I said using bunny ears around 'loved us'. "No one bad mouths my family. I could care less what he says about me but he insulted my family, Tsunade. You don't do that." I said. She seemed to think this over before turning to Kakashi who was still in the room.

Dangerous Love (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon