Chapter 5

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We finished rehearsing our 4th song when I needed something to drink. I asked the girls if they needed anything and they said water. I went down the ladder and walked into the living room and saw Sasori talking with his friends from the Akatsuki. I raised an eyebrow at them but ignore them and walked passed and into the kitchen where Sakura's mom was still cooking. I opened the fridge and grabbed out 6 water bottles before closing it and starting the walk back to the attic but of course someone had to stop me.

"Need any help?" I turned to see fishsticks had spoken. The guys were staring at me and I was getting annoyed.

"You don't think I can carry 6 water bottles by myself?" I asked. He started stuttering but I rolled my eyes and walked off having to listen to the guys snicker at fishsticks. I got to under the attic and yelled. "SAKURA! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OR YOU DON'T GET WATER!" The ladder was instantly lowered and I was helped up into the attic before the ladder was pulled up and the door closed. I handed the girls water before opening my own and taking a sip. "The guys are here talking with Sasori." I said.

"Which guys?" Ino asked. I gave her a deadpan look.

"The Akatsuki guys. What guys would willingly talk to Sasori other than the Akatsuki?" I asked. She went to open her mouth but thought better and closed it to pout.

"What do you think their talking about?" Hinata asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Not sure I wanna know. Could be some sexual shit. You never know." I said. The girls nodded before we just started chatting while we took sips of our drink. We got bored so we went down the ladder and into the living room and tackled Sasori and Akira. We were sprawled out on the ground laying on Sasori and Akira.

"Really?" Akira groaned from the weight of me, Temari, and tenten while Sasori groaned from the weight of Hinata, Ino, and Sakura.

"What? You're comfy." I grinned and poked his cheek before making myself comfortable and stretching out on him. I could hear him grumbling before I was grabbed by the feet and held upside down. I look up -or technically down- to see fish-sticks was the one holding me upside down with a grin. I glared before wrapping my legs around his neck and pulling him to the ground. (Not anything perverted! I'm talking about what black widow does!)

(The first one)

Fish-sticks slammed to the ground with a thud while everyone stared wide eyed except the girls and Sakura's brothers.

"Owww." Fish-sticks muttered while he sat up and rubbed his back. I stood above him with my arms crossed and a glare on my face.

"If you ever touch me again they won't find your body." I threatened. Fish-sticks gazed at me with some hidden emotion before nodding his head. I nodded back before stepping away from him and heading into the kitchen to help Sakura's mom with dinner.

~~~~~3RD POV~~~~~
The Akatsuki stared in shock and awe after Naomi except Sasori and Akira.

"Damn." Was all Kisame could mutter.

"Has she always been like that?" Pein asked.

"Like what?" Tenten asked.

"Aggressive." Pein blunted. The girls, Sasori, and Akira shared a look before sighing and turned to face the Akatsuki.

"Naomi has.......had things happen to make her like this. She's been aggressive since we were toddlers but over the years and after events she's just grown more aggressive." Sakura explained.

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