Chapter 2

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Tomorrow was not better. Not in anyway. Today's been a MASSIVE pain in my ass! I was greeted with glares from Takeo's fangirls and Sasuke wouldn't stop glaring. I was so tempted to throw the damn table at Sasuke but I was NOT going to pay for it. Stupid school property. But if it keeps up I might just make that sacrifice. We were sitting at our lunch table again and I had a death grip on the table. I was trying SO goddamn hard to not jump up and kick some ass. It was becoming harder with each passing minute. After a few minutes I gave up.

"Fuck this. I'm beating some ass." I said and stood up. The girls gave me worried looks but I ignored them and turned around ready to walk over to Sasuke and beat his ass. But when I turned I crashed face first into a chest. I rubbed my nose as I took a step back and looked at the person. He was tan, had grey hair and magenta colored eyes.

"Watch where your going, sweetheart." He told me. I glared at him. He had a blonde guy and a blue skinned blue haired guy behind him.

"Don't call me sweetheart, asshole." I shot back. The girls stood up and came behind me to back me up. He growled at me.

"What'd you call me, bitch?" He sneered. I was ready to rip his tongue out and shove it down his throat if he didn't stop calling me bitch.

"Don't call me bitch either. And are you deaf, old man? I called you an asshole." I said. We glared at each other while the guys behind him tried to cover their snickers. The guy grew irritated and glared at his friends.

"Oi! Stop laughing! It's not funny." He yelled.

"So it's true then. Old men don't have any sense of humor." I said and smirked as the guy turned back around to glare at me while his friends bust out laughing. Grandpa was about to do something when a voice interrupted us.

"What's going on here?" I turned to see an orange haired guy standing with 4 guys and a girl beside him. Akira, one of Sakura's older brothers, was standing there too.

"This little bitch wants to start a fight." Grandpa said. I glared at him.

"I told you not to call me bitch, grandpa." I growled at him. The blonde and blue haired guy from before were still laughing their asses off and there were some snickers from the new group.

"Don't call be grandpa, you bitch." He shot back. I growled and clenched my fist.

"You better stop calling her bitch. We might not be able to hold her back. She's pissed off already." Sakura warned.

"What can this little bitch do? She's too weak to do anything." Grandpa said. My knuckles had long turned white from how hard I was clenching my fist.

"Hidan. I advise you to stop. You really want to fight a girl?" The orange haired guy said. So hidan is the grandpa's name? I'll stick with grandpa.

"Really, Pein? Your not scared of this little bitch are you? She-" Grandpa didn't get to finish his sentence because my fist had met the side of his face. He fell to the ground holding his face. He glared at me ready to say something but he couldn't get a word out as my fist kept connecting with his face. The girls were shouting at me to stop but I could hear Temari say something like 'the asshole asked for it. She told him to stop calling her a bitch.'

"Enough!" I heard someone yell. I was yanked off of grandpa harshly and dragged away from him. I looked over my shoulder to see Temari and Sakura struggling to hold me as I thrashed around. The blonde and blue haired guys were helping grandpa off the floor as he held his bleeding nose. He glared at me and I glared right back.

"Calm down! Quit thrashing!" Sakura yelled at me but I didn't listen. I broke free from their hold and ran at grandpa and scored another punch to his face causing him to fall into the guys that held him up. The girls rushed over to me and held me. Sakura and Temari were trying to hold my arms down, Ino was holding my waist, Tenten was trying to keep my feet in place and Hinata was trying to calm me down.

"Fuck! That bitch broke my nose!" Grandpa yelled. I broke out of the girls grip and rushed at grandpa again but before I could reach him strong arms wrapped around me and held me with my arms behind my back. I turned and seen it was the blue haired guy. I growled and thrashed around. I grew irritated so I kicked my foot out before slamming it backwards into between his legs. He groaned and released me while kneeing and holding his place. I rushed at grandpa again but I was stopped again. My arms were behind my back and I was forced to kneel on the ground.

"You need to calm down." I heard a smooth voice say. I glanced behind to see a guy with black hair in a ponytail, onyx eyes, and a stoic face. He looked like an older, and hotter, version of Sasuke. Must be his older brother.

"Let me go!" I growled at him. I went ignored as they dragged grandpa and the blue haired guy out of my sight. After a few minutes I began to calm down. I was panting and my fist was hurting from how hard I was punching grandpa. After he was sure I was calm enough the guy holding me let me go and walked back over to his group. The girls rushed over to me and started fussing.

"Are you okay?"

"Always gotta get into a fight, don't you?"

"Let me clean your hand."

"That was awesome!" We all looked at Tenten who said that. She blushed and crossed her arms. "Well it was." She muttered. I laughed at her and stood up. After glaring at the group of guys we left and walked to our next class.

~~~~~~~TIME SKIPPPPP~~~~~
We were all at Sakura's house sitting around the table. We were talking and laughing with Sakura's mom, Akemi.

"Guess what Naomi did today, mom." Sakura said and grinned at me.

"What?" She smiled at her daughter.

"She got into a fight. Again." Ino smirked.

"Did you win?" Sakura's mom asked as she grinned at me. I smirked and crossed my arms behind my head.

"I would've if I wasn't interrupted." I replied.

"It was awesome! This guy kept calling her a bitch after Naomi warned him to stop. Dumbass didn't stop and Naomi made his face eat her fist. We yanked her off the guy but she broke free and punched the guy AGAIN. She was yanked off the guy again and was held by this blue haired guy. Well she kicked him in the nuts before escaping his grip and running at the guy from before but this black haired guy caught her and made her kneel on the ground while holding her hands behind her back. He held her there until she called down and we left after that." Tenten rambled grinning like a mad man. Sakura's mom looked at me and smirked. I smirked back.

"It's seems that boy got his ass handed to him." She said. We all started laughing.

"Sakura........I love.....your mom!" I wheezed laughing. After calming ourselves down we stared at each other before busting out laughing again.

The next day we were sitting in class waiting for the teacher to arrive. Me and the girls were chatting and laughing together before the door opened and an awefully familiar group of boys entered the room. I quickly stopped laughing and glared at grandpa. He glared right back while unconsciously holding his nose. I smirked evilly at him which caused him to growl. He stomped over towards me and I stood up meeting his glare with my own.

"I should beat the shit out of you for breaking my nose, bitch." He growled. My glare intensified and the room grew quiet.

"Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday, grandpa? Or do you want another ass beating?" The class ooo'd which caused grandpa to grit his teeth. "Careful, old man. Wouldn't want your dentures to break." I taunted him. He clenched his fist and growled at me. Our glaring contest was interrupted when Kakashi walked into class.

"Everyone to your seats. Naomi! Please try to calm down. We can't afford to have another kid in the hospital because of you." Kakashi said. The group of boys stared at me in shock as I sat down with a smirk on my face.

"The asshole got what he deserved." I shrugged. "He shouldn't have bad mouthed my sisters." I hardly caught it but I did. The way the older version of Sasuke hardened his gaze and clenched his fist. 'Hmm. Seems someone is catching feelings for one of my sisters. I'm not going to allow him to hurt her like the guys did.' I thought to myself. The boys walked to there seats in the back and grandpa continued to glare at me. Throughout the entire class I felt eyes on me but ignored it thinking it was grandpa but what I didn't know was it was the blue haired guy.

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