CHAPTER 1: New Hope

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Reader POV

  Normal morning day. Rising sun, chirping birds, and newspapers hitting doors. It was normal, except today was my first day at an elite school! I was so excited to find out I was going to the exclusive Hope's Peak Academy, and I knew for a fact I wasn't pull that "Late on the First Day of School" trope... again. I was up an hour earlier than usual doing everything to get there. I ate breakfast, then showered, then put on my new uniform and stuck a water lily in my hair. I looked so cool! I put everything in a bag and looked at the time. I had an hour to spare. I decided to read for bit so I wouldn't be too early. When I felt the time was right, I put my book away and headed out the door. My walk wasn't too bad just a bit tiring. I noticed a few people on the way in. They seemed to be third years which was a bit scary because of how menacing some of their glares looked. I decided to just focus on getting to class so I wouldn't be just standing in fear.

    As I opened the door I saw a bunch of people talking, with few in their seats. I noticed all the seats had a bag or some sort of object on them except one. A seat secluded from everyone else at the back of the classroom. Great. At least no one thinks I chose this seat on purpose. As I look around I see girl with blonde hair and a head band talking to a taller, tan, brunette girl. The thing that stool out to me is the innocence in the blonde girls eyes. They were so pure. I also saw another blonde girl, but she was really short wearing a kimono chatting with a girl who had short red hair. Then my eyes landed on a guy wearing a blue jumpsuit. He looked lovestruck staring into the distance. I saw a plus sized guy writing on a tablet and a girl playing on a game girl by themselves. I also saw a guy who looked like an adult doing extremely fast sit ups. Is that our teacher?! To get my mind off of the sportsman, I look around some more. I let my eyes wander until I noticed a guy with black hair and white streaks. He was wearing a scarf and it seemed to be... moving? I wanted to examine it more but a felt a push on my back. I fell to the floor and found a girl lying on the floor in an awkward position. She was really loud too so everyone was looking at us. Crud. The girl started crying and I helped her up trying to help her calm down.I took her to a seat.

 "I'm sorry!" She cried.

   I replied"It's okay. You didn't mean to." I heard a little whisper from some where and maybe a small giggle. I looked around and saw the kimono girl whispering into the girl with red hair's ear and was giggling at her own words. It was obvious she was talking about us. I didn't want to make a scene and get mad at her, so I just let it be. I've had enough spotlight anyway. 

     Once I had her calmed down, I sat down in the seat at the back of the class. Then short guy with a baby face entered the classroom and sat down and a girl with gray pigtails sat behind him. She had a huge bag on her back. Weird. Then a short plump guy entered wearing a chef outfit. He took a seat and then a girl with black hair and pink and blue streaks bursted in. She seemed pumped about the first day of school. Then I noticed a guy I must've missed when I first came in siting down. He had weird whitish hair.

    The bell ring and everyone got in their seats. I excepted the sportsman to go up and teach, but he sat down not too far away from me. Then the real teacher came in. 

"Hello class, I am Koichi Kizakura. I'll be your teacher this year." Said a man in a hat. He was blonde and had a beard. He had us introduce ourselves and started giving us a lesson on our behavior and rules at this school.

      After the lesson, I went to lunch. I decided to try and make friends with some one from class, but I got lost in the crowd. I ended up just sitting outside on the ground. Alone. When I finished eating, I picked myself up and started to wander. I started to daydream about my old school as walked around. I remember my friends signing up for the Hope's Peak Lottery and telling me I wouldn't need to because of my gardening skills. I trusted them and now I'm here. Unfortunately, they didn't get in. Instead, Nagito won and was titled Ultimate Lucky Student. He seemed a bit weird, but I'm not one to call the shots on whose weird and whose not. I remembered my little brother and wondered if one day if he'd end up here too.

   I was snapped out of my thoughts when I ran to a wall. When I looked up I noticed a glass floor at the top of the building was the greenhouse. I squealed in excitement as I ran inside to try and get in there. I went up all the flights of stairs, and after getting a little lost, stepped into the room that lead to the greenhouse. Apparently you needed a membership to actually tend the plants so I signed up despite it being a little more expensive then usual. I paid and I got a little clock in thing that you have to put the clicker thing. I stepped inside and was very disappointed. The place was huge, but the plants were dead. No one was taking care of them! I did see a patch of green plants, but that was it. Most were dead or dying. I guess I'm the first Ultimate Gardener in years. I started to do what I could to help the dying plants and it sort of worked. Then came the dead plants. I started to clear them out, but a lot of them were to big for me to carry. I needed help. I decided I'd get someone from class, so I went to go find the sportsman, Nidai, and the tan girl, Owari.

       I left the greenhouse to go find them, but failed. I looked at the clock and started to head back. On I was on the right floor and then I ran into someone.

"I am soooo sorry! I really didn't mean to run into you." I said, really hoping they'd take the apology.

"You are very clumsy, but I shall forgive you mortal." With that I knew who I'd run into. It was "Tanaka the Forbidden One." Well that's at least what he called himself. He spoke weirdly so I assumed that was him.

"I assume you are off to class as well. Where were you during the lunch hour? Our fellow classmates were looking for you." He questioned.

"Oh! Really? I was looking for the class at first, but I got lost. I just went to the greenhouse to do some gardening, and it needs a lot of work. Dead plants everywher-." Then I noticed his scarf move again. Then a cute little hamster popped out.

"Dude, there's a hamster in your scarf."

"Ah, you've noticed one of my Dark Devas of Destruction, Sun-D."

     We had some small talk on the way back to class. I did get a few questions when we got there, but I had answers. How ever that kimono girl, Saionji, did give me a side glare. Since I did nothing last time, I stood up this time and glared back. She looked away rather scared. After a few more hours of school, we all went home. First day of school, done.

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