Chapter 10: Airplanes

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Next came the day that was the day class 77-B was going on the trip to Jabberwock Island. I was all packed and on my way to meet up with everyone. I was a bit nervous because it was the first time Tanaka and I were going to have time together as a couple. We haven't been on a date yet because of both of our cramped schedules, but class time is actually great together time considering that Ms. Yukisome wants to present us as a unified class so that we could bring hope.

I was a little nervous to make our relationship public, but Tanaka assured me that it was a good idea. Everyone was accepting especially Ms. Yukisome, who thought our decision would boost our goal to be a beacon of hope. But no one was more ecstatic that we were an item than Soda. He was jumping in the air and practically cried when we told him. I asked Ibuki about it and she said that he thought that Tanaka was going to make a move on Sonia. 

When I had gotten to our classroom, I was pretty early so the only other people was Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Nekomaru, and Nagito. Peko, Chiaki and I had a deep conversation about our goals for the trip. Chiaki and I were making finishing touches to the schedule while Peko silently approved. Then Ibuki burst into the room as her fiery self. 

"What's up my peeps?! Aren't y'all fired up for this trip?" She exclaimed rushing over.

"Of course! Y/N and I were just making some finalizations to our schedule." Chiaki said glowing with bliss and excitement.

"Oooh! I hope you scheduled a lot of concerts! I'm so excited! But I guess that Y/N might be more excited~" Ibuki said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned, not realizing her intentions.

"You and Tanaka are probably gonna be able to get some alone time. You should share a hotel room. Maybe then you two could-" I stopped her right there. That wasn't happening anytime soon considering that only a few days before Tanaka wouldn't even touch me because he was afraid.

"Ibuki, seriously, I don't think that's something we'll be doing anytime soon."

"Well, either way, something's bound to happen over this trip. Either with you and Tanaka or Peko and her old man husband." Ibuki said, giving a sly glance at Peko. All Peko did in reply was give her a slightly annoyed look. I quickly peeked over Peko's shoulder to look at Fuyuhiko. Ibuki would constantly make comments on those two arguing like an old married couple, and compared to my grandparents, she was right.

Some time after, it was time for us to go the airport. Obviously a lot of people were startled by the sudden appearance of a bunch of high schoolers, but we did our best to be transparent. However, our best wasn't very good. Ibuki was blasting her music loudly while Hiyoko danced close by, Teruteru was constantly harassing people that crossed his path and making comments about all the fast food places, Nekomaru was training Akane in the middle of the waiting area. I just stood next to Tanaka and listened to gush in wonder over the airport since she arrived here on a private jet. Ms. Yukisome didn't even try to stop any of it because they were exercising their talents which could potentially bring hope. Nagito...was being a Nagito. After One or two hours of chaotic waiting, we boarded the plane.

The plane ride was surprising more calm. Most of the kids fell asleep because Ibuki's playing didn't let them rest in the waiting area. Tanaka and I were sat next to each other while Chiaki was on my left so we could discuss other aspects of the trips. I had given Tanaka one of my earbuds so we could listen to music together. The planning was extremely tiring and when we were done, I decided to get some shut eye. I could barely sit up. The only thing keeping me awake was how uncomfortable my head rest was. I kept tossing and turning, but I was still conscious. Then I got an idea on how to get some sleep.

"Tanaka...You awake?" I asked hopefully. He was just sitting with his eyes closed and half of his face was covered in his scarf. 

"Yes, my queen. I believe it is best for me to stay conscious in the sky in case we are attacked by an evil spirit. Do you need something?" He said not opening his eyes.

"Well, I was hoping I could lean on you? It's okay if you don't want me to, my headrest is just extremely uncomfortable and I want to sleep." I requested, still glimmering with hope. To that he  opened his eyes with shock, his face growing read. He quickly covered the rest of his face with his scarf. He sat there for a few seconds and quickly regained his composure.

"As you wish..."

I gave him a thankful smile and shifted over a bit to lean my head on his shoulder. He was tense, but somehow still soft enough to get me to slowly drift away into sleep. All I remember after that was a slight flash.

Eventually, the plane landed and I woke up. To my surprise, Tanaka had also fallen asleep.

"I told him I would take the next shift to watch for evil spirits." I carefully turned over to not wake up Tanaka and looked at Chiaki. "I think both of you needed some rest to have fun with the class tonight." I smiled and thanked her. Thankfully, Tanaka woke up by the time we started getting off the plane. We grabbed our belongings and walked off the plane.

We found ourselves on at the Jabberwock Airport. There we were greeted by a bunch of people. 

"Welcome to Jabberwock Island! We hope you enjoy your stay here! I am Kizana, I will be your tour guide today. Before we start anything, I would like to apologize for the cost. Usually, it's much cheaper, but most of our planes have been inactive due to must of them needing repair. We must thank you for still paying to come here." A blonde women 

 Soda was interested by the information about the planes. He even went up to one of the pilots after and asked to get a look. After the tour we were shown to our cottages we'd be staying in. Most of us had roommates assigned by Chiaki and me and approved by Ms.Yukisome. I was bunking with Sonia and Chiaki. I decided to do Soda a solid and have is cottage be next door to ours. He thanked me over and over again. However, I new it wasn't the best idea, so I made a point to keep the curtains closed often. 

The first day there had no exact plan because it was a Friday. Chiaki and I decided that Fridays would be free days. I had settled into the apartment when I got a knock at our door. I answered and found Tanaka.

"My Queen, I was hoping we could go to the beach for a quick moment." He said bowing. I smiled and accepted. He took me down to the beach and we took enjoyed the scenery.

"Tanaka, look! There's a cute little hermit crab!" 

"I do not care for such a mere insect." He said. Now that was interesting. Before I could question him on that, he started to speak. "I want to tell you something my Queen. Now that we are a couple, I think you deserve to know my full name. Remover it well, for it is Gundham Tanaka." He said with purpose. I looked at him for a second and smiled.

"Does this mean you want me to call you Gundham now?" He have a sweet smile and nodded. We walked back holding pinkies and ran into Soda. "What's up Soda? How's are the planes?" 

He looked a little concerned before he answered. "They're aren't that good. Very badly damaged. I'm gonna have to take out their engines."

A/N- WOW. It's been a long time. Sorry for the wait. I hope to start uploading a little more frequently. I hope y'all liked the chapter. I have a lot of ideas I want to put into this trip. Thank you guys for being so patient - Co-Author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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