CHAPTER 3: The Classroom

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 The lady introduced herself as Ms. Yukisome, and was now our new substitute teacher due to our old one being caught in a nasty hangover. I found it a little irresponsible for a teacher to go get drunk like that, but okay... We went around finding a few more students until we found Nagito. We stopped there because Soda had gotten hit by a bus. We all went back to the classroom and Mikan treated Soda's wounds. She did a really good job considering she mainly used bandages, she really is the Ultimate Nurse.

 Ms. Yukisome announced at the front of the class, "Now listen up! Two more and we are finished! Home stretch, you guys. Give me some hustle!" I looked around and everyone seemed pretty beat. Saionji complained so Ms. Yukisome decided we should clean while she's gone. I zoned out for a bit and the next thing I know, Ms. Yukisome has two knives on Soda's desk. She left the classroom and everyone just sat there tired.

 Finally, Tanaka pulled out his "Dark Devas of Destruction" and got to work. I started by cleaning and opening a window. Being with plants all day left me with really clean air, so the air in the classroom was a bit stuffy for me. Then I got to dusting. I got to a tall cupboard that I couldn't reach. I haven't spoken to most of my classmates so I felt awkward asking for help. Luckily, my hybrids also consisted of plants that grew almost instantly. I grabbed a water bottle and poured a few droplets on some seeds I had. The plant sprouted a little vine that grew to the top of the classroom. I climbed up and dusted the top of the cupboard.

 "Fascinating. Could it be that you do you also possess unworldly powers?" I turned to see Tanaka. His hamsters seemed to be taking a break and munching on sunflower seeds.

 "Uhh, no. I just did some experiments and this plant grows fast, so I used it to help me reach up there." I said, smiling awkwardly. I turned to the plant and it had sprouted a few bright pink flowers.

 "These flowers seem quite nice. They would make a great sacrifice for the classroom. Such shame they are overgrown." He said with regret. I just blinked my eyes at him. He knows there is a simple solution right?

 "You do know I could just cut some of the vines right?"

 He looked at me with wide eyes. "I thought you cared for your plants?! Do you not believe that cutting them would be a painful and rude gesture to your creations?!" He was right. I do hate cutting my plants, but this one had too many vines which was a waste of nutrients.

I didn't want him to think I liked hurting my darlings, so I said, " Well, when the vines get long it acts like a parasite, so I'm actually helping it." He seemed to understand and went to his desk. I was shocked to see he came back with the biggest shears I've ever seen! Why did he have those? Why were they so big?!?

He gave me the shears and I put them to use, carefully snipping at the plant until it was portable.  I then put the plant in a pot I had found and moved it next to a window. I glanced back Tanaka who was putting the shears away. I heard a small squeak from below and look down. It was one of Tanaka's hamsters. It would roll into and climb onto my foot making cute noises. I smile and pick up the tiny animal to return it Gundham.

Ms. Yukisome returns with Mitarai and Nanami, still smiling as wide as ever. She then explains she wanted us to start coming to class everyday. I didn't really like that idea. My schedule was plant based, and they needed a lot of attention. But if I didn't show up to class, I bet Ms. Yukisome would just drag me back. I reluctantly agreed to show up.

My class was heading to the dorms, but I just sat in my seat. All I could think about was a plan to make time to go to class and tend to my plants. The ideas were making my head hurt, so I started packing up to go home. On the way out, I ran into a tall man. He looked very stern and harsh.

"What are you doing here so late?" He questioned. The sun was barely setting, but I didn't want to upset him.

"I just had bit of trouble packing up, that's all." He got a good look at me and and softened a slight bit.

"Oh, you're the Ultimate Gardener, right? I've seen your work. Great job on restoring the greenhouse, by the way, it was dead when I went here too." After he said that, I started realize that this was Juzo Sakakura, the head of security. He said his farewell and we went our separate ways. I almost forgot about my plant schedule.


A/N- Sorry for taking so long! I was grounded so I wasn't able to work on the story much. I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

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