Chapter 9: Take a Chance

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I woke up the next morning with an wrapped around me, and surprisingly, my arms wrapped around someone's neck. I also wasn't extremely tired which was strange.  I opened my eye to see Tanaka's sleeping face. I smiled a bit, trying to not acknowledge the light blush on my face,  and try to get up. He hesitated  for a moment, but eventually let me go. I looked over to the floor to see the protective pillow across the floor. I slightly chuckled and got out of bed as gracefully as possible to not wake up the sleeping man.

I started to prepare breakfast for the both of us, making some eggs and toast. Tanaka finally emerged  from the room, looking a little flustered, then he yells, "Mortal!"

"What's up Tanaka?" I reply, worried.

He exclaimed, "The barrier you casted for us was banished to the floor! It is impossible that I didn't touch you! We must tend to your wounds!" He proceeded to search frantically for a first aid kit of some sort.

"Woah! Tanaka, calm down I'm not hurt at all! You did touch me a little, but I'm completely fine. There's nothing wrong." I said, trying to ease him.

"Nonsense!" He exclaimed, " There is no way you're in any condition to-" he stopped himself once he saw me. He than began to mumble. I couldn't understand anything other than, "Impossible...Angel...Goddess..." I set down our plates and started eating, he quietly did the same. We ate in silence for a moment until Tanaka finally decided to say something. "It has occurred to me, (Y/N), that you may not be just a fair maiden of the mortal world..." he started. I glanced up at him a little confused. "I was a little worried when I started to get these...certain feelings... when I was around you. I was worried that if I pursued them, you'd perish." Hold on, is he? "But now that it is confirmed that you are a powerful being, I have broken my fearful chains. Now I will know I will be able to protect you without disintegrating you. Which is why... I would like to ask you something..." Oh my God. He's going to ask! "(Y/N), will you marry me!" He exclaimed.

I just sat there for a moment. "Tanaka, I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment, but I'm willing to go out some time. Perhaps as , boyfriend and girlfriend?" I suggested, hoping I didn't crush his dreams. He stares at me blankly. "Okay, umm. If you asked me a few weeks ago, I would've said no because I didn't think I was ready to be in a relationship, I still don't even know if I am now! But after meeting you, and I think I'm ready to take that chance."

He smiled at me. " I accept your offer, my Queen."

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