CHAPTER 4: A Change in Heart

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Two weeks have passed, but I've been a total wreck! To fit classes in, I've been staying before and after school to work on the greenhouse. Everyone else in the school is so focused on their own talent, that I couldn't ask them for help. Plus, reserve course students aren't allowed to have memberships to the main course greenhouse, so I can't hire one of them off either. I've gotten like, 1 hour of sleep? Ms. Yukisome is on a quick break right now, so Nidai and Owari wanted to train their strength. They're tearing up the whole room! Most students just moved to the side and watched. Not wanting to get hit by debris, I moved with them. Our substitute had fainted from the shock so Mikan started to treat her. The breezes from the debris flying everywhere we're making my head pound.

"You okay, Y/N?"

I turned my head to see Mioda looking with concern.

"Um, yeah. Just a little tired that's all."

Ms. Yukisome busted into the room, demanding that Nidai and Owari stopped rough housing. An offended Nidai informed her that they were training. Upon learning that, Ms. Yukisome told them to knock themselves out.

"Well so much for that."

"And so the world fell, room by room."

I looked over to Tanaka whom seemed just as disappointed in them as, everyone else. I smiled seeing his hamsters go into his scarf, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. That's when my phone rang and I stepped outside. I saw Mitorai and Nanami talking a bit. I turned the corner and answered. It was a friend, checking in on me. She asked me how I was doing and for some reason, I just let it all out. I told her about the struggle with the greenhouse and how I didn't know what to do. She said she didn't think she could help, but encouraged me to ask someone, anyone for help. I just made an empty promise to do so and hung up.

I turned to go back towards the classroom to see Nanami staring in my direction. I hope she didn't hear me. I just smiled weakly and entered the room. Class soon ended and I went to the greenhouse a couple of hours before finally heading back home. I felt as if I was being watched. I tried to sleep a little longer because I knew that tomorrow was going to be cleaning up the debris. 


I showed up a littler later than usual to class, but no one seemed to upset. Except for Saionji who was once again complaining. Soon, the wall was patched up. Well, as patched up as you can get with spare wood. Too bad none of us are an Ultimate Construction Worker. I was surprised when Nanami suggested we play some video games on her console. Soda quickly whipped up a tv screen and we got to playing. Ms. Yukisome eventually showed and joined us in the fun. Hanamura and Saionji left to go make lunch while we're playing. I played a few rounds of bomber guy before I called it a day. Watching everyone play was hilarious especially when people would get cocky then humbled real quick. Obviously, Nanami won every time she played.

Hanamura and Saionji soon returned with a pot full of nikujaga. It smelled delicious, but I'm a vegetarian. My logic is a little flawed, but eating animals just doesn't sit right with me, dead or alive. Surprisingly, Hanamura was okay with me not wanting to eat his dish, Saionji on the other hand was a little more persistent. Everyone went to get a plate while I excused myself to grab my lunchbox from the greenhouse.

I was on my way back to the classroom with my lunchbox while I pondered what gave Nanami such a change in heart. Maybe Ms. Yukisome's personality is infectious? I did hear Ms. Yukisome's voice in the hallway yesterday. I'm impressed with how much initiative she took, especially for someone so quiet. I went to open the classroom door... What was that sound?

Was that... a groan? Is someone hurt!?

A/N- Hi! Sorry I take so long to update. I've been a little busy with school and  stuff, but I'm on break right now, so hopefully I'll be able to work more and not get overcome by laziness. Not exactly excited to write the next chapter though. If you watched the anime, you know what's next. 😔

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