Chapter 5

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The Introduction

After Connor left me the girl with fake hair , fake boobs , fake eyelashes , fake lips.. she would'nt shut the hell up like geez ... is it really necessary to ask me about what type of toothpaste I use ! I mean she only decided to come sit next to me even though she did'nt had to only because she heard connor and I talking and she figured out I'm a famous rich youtuber/singer .. Anyway back to Barbie I mean...Becky .

"So Troye what type of sunscreen you use ..?" Becky said in a dried voice .

"Um.. the regular kind?" I said that sounded more like a question.

"Oh GOD ! you're so funny! " she threw her head back and started laughing like a creepy ass possessed barbie.

"Ehhea ...yea " I replied in a bored and homestly creeped out tone ,but of course barbie here did'nt give a shit about that and continued to ask her questions..

"So Troye ...what type of girls you like " Becky asked me in a low whisper getting closer to me.

Well this is gonna be an intresting answer... I thought in my head before answering her " Well I don't care about that it's the personally that counts anyway I don't-"

I was about to finish saying it before her squeals interupted me " OH EM GEE THAT IS SO SWEET !" she squealed legit.

Before she got the wrong impression I quickly finished my sentence ." Don't really care since I'm gay and only attracted to males " I said while making a cross using my arms .

After hearing that Barbie got a little let's say deflated and replied with a " Ohhhh..." and went silent for 5 minutes before started yelling " Oh that is even more cute like we can talk about boys now and I can tel you about my period issues and-! "

" Calm down we are on a plane and people are sleeping! " I told her with a friendly smile and amusement in my eyes.

" Sorry " Becky said.

"it's fine so let's start over barbie I mean Becky! " I said Becky gave me a funny glare and laughed .
" ok so I'm Becky Glaze , 20 and a professional fangirl I'm heading to London simply because I can and I love the city "

" Troye Sivan , 19 Youtuber and upcoming singer and I love to put on Hello Kitty tattoos on in my spare time"

She laughed out loud literally and for 2-3 hours we just talked and talked and sang
"A thousand miles" . I got to know that she used to be a brunette ,but she dyed her hair blonde due to peer pressure and people judging her,so she took a 180 degree turn and changed her whole apperance .

" Wow .. I didn't know dang I'm sorry and by the way those people are just idiots for being like that to you.Blonde or not you're still friking beautiful and also you don't need to wear booty shorts or show too much skin revealing clothes to get boys to like you , if he is a true man he wont just look at your face but what is inside

She laughed and said " Thanks you know you're an amazing person and any dude would be lucky to have you" barbie said with a small smile.

"Also so sorry for hitting on you before like ... OMG ! " Barbie said being the old care free person again .
I chuckled " Barbie ! it's fine I find that completely hillarious"

" Oh kk! and thanks for the nickname it's so clichè it! "
"Haha barbie " I said " Now night night because I'm off to dreamland "

"Mmkay night Troye and here is my number you can just text me yours later"

" Will do barbie! "

I saved her number under barbie because that's just how I am .After checking on Connor I put my headphones on and went to sleep while listening to my own songs .
Ok so new chapter! any thoughts?! Also I was gonna make barbie mean and a stuck up blonde but than I thought like not all blondes are like than and also I wanted something different you know so there BAAM!
What do you think about Becky?

The song on the side is "A thousand Miles " ( From the movie)
it's friking funny and you would know why if you have seen the movie
White Chicks xD

Enough of my blabbing!
Thank you so much to speechbubbles for this amazing cover I love and adore it <3 ! Go to her if you want an amazing cover .

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