Chapter 11

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(Because your all so nice ;3 )

Normal POV~

Today was the day... Sonic was going to try to convince his father to let him and Shadow be together. The azure werehog took a shaky breath. As he walked towards the cave, his heart hammered against his chest. His ears laid back and he tried to calm down. 'Its just my father!' He thought to himself.

He walked towards his father who had his back towards his son. Sonic cleared his throat, and his father turned. "Sonic!" The chief boomed, "What are you doing here son? Aren't you out with that special girl?" He winked at his son, causing Sonic's stomach to twist.
"Well... Here's the thing dad..." He started, "What is it?" Sonic's father asked.
"Would you be mad at me if I told you I was in love with a vamp?" Sonic winced, causing his after to pull a shocked face. "Are you telling me that your in love with one?" He asked

Sonic grimaced, "Y-yeah..."
The chief pursed his lips, "Well, no. It's your decision son... But please tell me the vamp is a female at least!" The chief pleaded.

'Shit....' Sonic thought. "Haha, she's a looker!" Sonic lied. His father patted his shoulder happily after getting up. "I want to meet this lady of yours! Tomorrow good for you?"
Sonic's eyes widened and he coughed, "Yeah dad, sounds good!" 'Damn damn damn damn damn damn' he cursed himself.

"Great! Can't wait to meet her." Sonic's father said, removing his hand and walking out.

"What am I gonna tell Shadow?!" He hissed to himself

I love you all too

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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