Chapter 9

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A few days ago, I made an announcement on my message board. Many of you haven't read it so please go and read it. 

The ride's silent was broken by Vansh's ringtone.

Vansh: Hello.

Caller: Hi. Am I speaking to Vansh Raisinghania?

Vansh: Yes. And who are you?

Caller: I'm Sejal, Riddhima's bestie. Actually I am trying to reach her since yesterday but she's not answering my calls. Is she with you or do know about her whereabouts?

Vansh: Ya, she's with me. Wait a sec.

Vansh to Riddhima: Riddhima, there's a call for you.

Riddhima: Who is it?

Vansh: See it, yourself.

Riddhima: Hello.

Sejal: Riddhima are you OK?

Riddhima: Sejallll.  Ya I'm fine 🙂. How about you?

Sejal: I'm fine but I've something to tell you.

Riddhima: What?!

Sejal: You remember that 2 months ago,  I applied for a party planner course in Singapore's University ?

Riddhima: Of course I remember.  In fact it was me who informed you about that.

Sejal: So I got the scholarship.

Riddhima: AHHHHH..... are you serious?

Sejal: Ya 😔.

Riddhima: Why do you sound like that? Is everything OK🙁?

Sejal: No.

Riddhima: What happened 😳?

Sejal: First tell me where are you?

Riddhima: Near the highway of the airport. And you?

Sejal: I'm at the airport. Can you please come here?

Riddhima: What are you doing there?

Sejal: If you wanna know why am I here then the only way......

The call ended.

Riddhima was worried 😨 about Sejal's safety. Her expressions were noticed by Vansh.

Vansh: What happened 😳?

Riddhima: We need to go to the airport 🛫 NOW!!!!

Vansh: Why?

Riddhima: I'll tell you about that later but now we need to GO there.

Riddhima to Angre: Angre take the left.
We need to go to the airport 🛫.

Angre: Yes.

At Airport.

Riddhima spotted 👀 Sejal.

She ran towards her and caged her in a bone crashing hug.

Riddhima: What are you doing here? Is everything OK?

Sejal: I'm going to Dubai.

Riddhima: What!!!!😨😢

Sejal: Yes. I was trying to inform you about it since yesterday but your phone was unreachable.

Riddhima was just standing there like a statue.

Sejal noticed it but she wanted her best friend to be herself when she leaves and not a cry baby.

Not wanting to see tears in her eyes, she hugged her and went towards her flight.

Riddhima hugged Vansh tightly crying her heart out.

He was rubbing her back to soothe her  pain.

Vansh: Ssshhh....

She was a crying mess.

In the car.

Riddhima was quietly playing with Vansh's hand while hot tears 😢 were flowing from her eyes.

Vansh: Now that Sejal is gone, why don't you stay with us in VR mansion?

Riddhima: Okay.

After crying for more than 1 hour, Riddhima fell asleep in the car itself.

VR Mansion.

Vansh carried Riddhima to her new room and closed the door to prevent her from waking up.

He gathered everyone in the hall.

Dadi: What happened Vansh? Why did you called everyone here?

Vansh: I have a very important announcement to make.

Anupriya: Concerning what?

Vansh: Concerning the future daughter-in-law of Raisinghania family.

Everyone excluding Angre, were dumbstrucked.

Ishani: WHO!!!!!!

Vansh: You heard it right. Riddhima and I love each other. And as from today, she'll stay here. If anyone has a problem with it, then he or she is free to leave the house. The door is open.

Dadi: I don't have any problem with it, in fact I'm happy for both of you. 

Sia: I've to say Bhai, you've chosen a nice girl for you.

He smiled or as we can also say he blushed at this comments.

At night.

Riddhima woke up from her sleep and found herself in a nice and cozy room.

She heard a knock at the door.

Riddhima: Come in.

Vansh: You woke up.

Riddhima: Ya.

Vansh: Good. How are you feeling?

Riddhima: Better but I still miss Sejal😪.

Vansh: I know that it's difficult to live without someone whom you love but you'll have to live with it and also you can talk to her at anytime.

Riddhima: I know. By the way, are we in VR Mansion?

Vansh: Yes. And as from today, this is your room but if you want, you can sleep in my room. I don't mind😉.

Riddhima: Just shut up😊.

She said while hitting him playfully.

Vansh: Riddhima, I've something very important to asked you.

Riddhima: What is it?

Vansh: As we love each other and and now that you are living in VR Mansion, do I have the right to officially make your my girlfriend ?

Riddhima: And how are you going to do that?

He took out a ring for his pocket and kneeled down in front of her.

Vansh: Riddhima, will you be my girlfriend?

Riddhima had tears of joys.

Riddhima: Yes, I will🥺.

He slided the ring in her finger and they hugged each other.

Precap: Vansh and Riddhima at the beach.

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