Chapter 6

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Jack Barakat

I opened my eyes to a blank, blurry ceiling with a fan attached to it. I rubbed my eyes a bit, trying to remember what house I was in. I moved my hand from my eyes to the person next to me and felt the soft blanket curving around a female's body. 

Jackie's apartment.

I got up halfway to let the covers slide off my chest and hit my stomach. I mostly did this to get a look around the small bedroom that I had slept in last night. 

I then sighed, reaching my hand over to the nightstand and letting my fingers guide across. When I felt my glasses, I grabbed them into my hands and placed them on my face. The bedroom that was once blurry, cleared up a bit and allowed me to get up from the position I was in.

Suddenly a brief spark of panic spread through my body as I ran my hands across my hips to make sure I wasn't naked, but mostly that I haven't slept with Jackie. 

My shoulders dropped when I found nothing to reassure me. This made me scratch the back of my neck out of shame and tiredness. I decided to search for my missing clothes and get the hell out of this place before Jackie woke up.

When I finally found them, I slowly made my way out of the room, making sure not to make any possible noise to wake up Jackie, and jogged slightly to the front door. 

Before I was able to grab my phone and my keys that I threw on the small dinning room table the night before, I heard a soft mumble come from behind me.

"Jack, baby? Is that you?" 

I froze and groaned quietly, "Huh, yeah.."

I turned around to see Jackie pant-less with one of my Boner shirts on and rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. 

"Are you leaving so soon? I thought you were going to stay.." Her voice hinted for me to stay, but all I wanted to do was leave and I wasn't going to let her stop me.

"Uh, you see Alex called me this morning and really wanted to see me about something important." I said, half smiling and shrugging.

"Oh, well tell him I said hello" Jackie said, smiling sadly at me before waving me off. 

"Thanks, babe" I said, quickly kissing Jackie then grabbing my stuff and jogging my way out the door. 

I finally made my way out the door before I realized I don't have a ride. 


I must have rode with Jackie to her apartment last night.

Well this is just great. How am I going to get anywhere without a car? 

Smooth thinking last night, Jack.

I rolled my eyes at my self conscious mind. "Whatever.." I whispered to myself. I then took out my phone, unlocked it, and searched for someone to call. Just as I was about to call Alex, the sudden realization was brought upon me when I looked at the time. To my horror, 8:30 am flashed in my face almost in a uncivil manner.


Who will possibly be up at this time and be willing to pick my ass up?

Yep, you guessed it.

No one.

Cool. As if my situation wasn't already bad, might as well throw in the fact that I have to walk.

I groaned loudly and started to make my way towards the gate in the very front of the apartment complex. As I did this, I was still checking through my phone desperately trying to find someone to pick me up. 

"You know what, fuck it. I'm not walking." I said, clicking Alex's name and putting my phone to my ear. 

I stopped infront of the gate while I stood through several rings before a very grumpy Gaskarth picked up.

"What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want." Alex grumbled.

"Well, good morning sunshine! I wanted to ask a small favor.." I smiled a little as I said this. I mean, hey what can I say? A grumpy Gaskarth is a perfect target for harassing. 

"God, at.. what?.. 5 in the morning? Are you crazy? Can't you just wait until later.." Alex groaned.

I laughed, "Actually it's almost 9 in the morning, and no, no it cannot wait" 

Alex mumbled a few strings of profanities, "What is it, Barakat? And if you don't hurry up and tell me, I'll hang up on you."

I smirked, "Now is that anyway to treat your bestfriend?"

"Get on with it, Jack. Quit fucking around" Alex grumbled.

"I need you to pick me up from Jackie's." I said, messing with the hem of my shirt.

"Jackie? I thought we had a plan." Alex said, clearing up his grumpy voice a bit.

"Yeah, yeah we'll talk about it later. For right now all you need to be worrying about is getting dressed and coming to pick me up.." I mumbled.

Alex sighed, "Fine, but you owe me, asshole" 

I smiled, "Anytime, anywhere, Gaskarth"

I heard grumbles before a soft click ended our call. 

Scarlett Wonders

 "Hey, hey. For goodness sake, wake up Scar. God, child. Don't make me get the spray bottle.." I heard a male practically scream in my ear.

I groaned, "It's the weekend. I don't have to work and I'm not in school, so please leave me the fuck alone."

I pulled my blanket over my face and felt the shift of weight on my bed. I sighed happily knowing I can now sleep peacefully.

I also can finally continue my dream that was interrupted by the male voice. I slowly let my dream grasp me and let me ride peacefully in it. 

Well that was until I felt a soft wetness spread throughout my bed.

I shoved off the blanket and was revealed to Mack, with a hose.

"Holy shit! I'm up! I'm up!" I shouted as I jumped out of my already soaked bed. Mack then yelled out, "The eagle is in the nest!" 

Just as he yelled that, the hose that was once drowning my bed, was now sitting there empty. Before I started to rant to Mack about how rude that was, I suddenly realized. How the hell did he find a hose long enough to climb up 2 flights of stairs?

Mack must have noticed my curiosity because he spoke up, "Pete's mom is a hardcore gardener" 

I laughed as I shook my head.

As if he heard his name being yelled down the stairs, Pete came running into my room. He soon stopped by me and picked me up into a grizzly bear hug.

I mean, for a skinny guy with lanky arms, he can sure suffocate a person in a hug.

"Thank god. Now we can go eat something." Pete said, smiling as he put me down. 

I frowned, "So you're the culprit with the hose idea." 

He shrugged, "What can I say? A man's gotta eat when a man's gotta eat" I rolled my eyes.

Before I could finish talking, Pete interrupted me. 

"We'll be downstairs!" He yelled as he pulled Mack and the hose out of my room before shutting it. I sighed, rubbed my eyes, and stretched a little before I made my way towards my small closet on the other side of my room. 

I decided to just grab my short baggy boyfriend tee, some blue jean shorts, and my nude color strap on sandals. I quickly changed and threw my hair into a poney tail before grabbing my bag and my phone and heading out. 

I jogged down the stairs expecting to see my group of friends sitting on the couch fooling around, waiting for me.

But instead, I was met with two pairs of dark brown eyes and a familar voice yelling, "Well hot damn!"


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