Chapter 8

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"We have the Chinese food!" Vinny said as he opened up one of the doors to the large house of Alex Gaskarth. 

"Holy shit... " I mumbled as I carried in the Chinese food. I gawked around at the house nearly dying from the quality and how big the house is.

I could hear the lines of curse words from amazement following behind me as I was lead into the kitchen. I placed down the bag of food and started to walk around the kitchen to get a nice look at it. It seemed to be very well kept even though a couple of grown men live here. 

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked, a little louder than I wanted to. Vinny laughed, "Uh, yeah. It's down the hall by the stairs and to your right" He smiled at me and gave me a little nudge towards the bathroom.

I nodded towards him and made my way pass the stairs and into the hallway. I noticed two doors on the left and one on the right. My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to one of the doors parallel to the bathroom door. I opened it up slightly and found myself staring into a dark room. 

I opened the door more and felt my hand across the wall for a light switch.

"What are you doing?" 

I screamed and spun around to face Alex with a wide smirk. 

"I was just- uh, looking for the bathroom" I could feel the heat rise up in my face.

"The bathroom is across the hall" He smiled at me. I froze, "Uh, yeah thanks" 

I forced myself to move from Alex's glaze as I walked over to the bathroom. I turned around as I closed the door and slowly watched a waving Alex disappear behind the door. When the door shut, I  walked over to the mirror, turned on the faucet and splashed my face with cold water. 

The cold water made me cring a little but it calmed me down a little. I turned off the faucet and grabbed the towel next to the sink to dry my face off. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I never was very pretty and that kind of put me in a insecure place as a teen. I use to wear glasses and had braces; I was your typical nerd. And now here I am, the nerdy mute that is casually hanging out with the boys who saved her life. I placed the towl down and foused my attention to the door I closed. I then opened it up and found Alex leaning against the parallel wall.

He was playing on his phone at first but when he heard the light of the bathroom click off he looked up at me and smiled.

"Well, now that you're done.. I would like to give you a tour of the house. I mean, if you don't mind" He hooked his forearm to my arm and nudged me a little.

"So how was last night?" He asked as we left the hallway and carried on upstairs. 

I blushed from the attention, "Pretty good, actually" 

"Good, good, good" He said unhooking his arm when we got to the top step and placed his hands behind him.

He started to sway as he walked when he showed me some of the doors upstairs. When we got to his room, he paused, smiled at me and told me to wait a few minutes while he went in the room. He then opened the door and closed it softly behind him.

Alex Gaskarth

 I closed the door softly, trying not to let Scarlett think that I don't want her in my room or for her to think that I don't like her. I just wanted to make sure that Jack was ready to see her. 

"Jack, get your ass up and put on some pants!" I said, grabbing the TV remote from Jack's hand and turning off the TV.

"What the hell, Alex? What's going on?" Jack said getting up from the bed and grabbing his pants from the bed stand.

"Scarlett is out there and you have to persuade her to like you, dumbass" I whispered angrily at him.

"Anyways, why are you pantless in my bed? Were you-"

"Yes, totally Alex. That's what I do in my free time." Jack said, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. I'm letting her in so you better be dressed" 

I opened the door to find Scarlett biting her lip and blushing. 

I knew it wasn't towards me, unless I have something on my face cause I mea- Wait, Jack.

I turned around to find a Jack walking over to us shirtless and pantless. He smirked and winked at Scarlett and she blushed harder.

 I smiled and hit Jack with my shoulder, " Dammit Jack, get some clothes on. This girl does not what to see you half naked"

"That's not what her eyes are saying.. " Jack said, winking over to Scarlett. 

I watched Scarlett's eyes widen and her lip turn white from her biting it. I smiled and shook my head, "Just go get some clothes on and we'll meet you out here. Vinny brought Chinese food, which is probably cold by now" 

I mean, I was going to give her a nice tour of my room and the guest room that connects to it, but it seems that Jack's indecency shoved away that idea. 

I closed the door to my bedroom and put my hands behind my back as I stood next to a shocked Scarlett.  "So is he always half-naked or.. ?" Scarlett spoke up as she started to rub the back of her neck. "Only on Saturdays" I said, smiling. 

She gave me a half-hearted smile. I lifted up my eyebrows and wiggled them towards her. "You like h-"

"Stop. Let's not get into this" Scarlett said, strictly. I put up my hands in defense, "I'm sorry, no harm done" 

Scarlett looked at me then at the door, when she finally focused her gaze on me she smiled lightly, "I'll be downstairs, I'm quite hungry and I'm sure my food is getting cold. So, um yeah" She turned away from me and started her way downstairs.

Did I say anything wrong? What's so bad about asking her if you she liked someone? 

Women, these days.

 "Hey man, where did Scarlett go?" Jack said, after he closed my bedroom door. I watched him  pull his shirt on as I shrugged, "She got hungry, I guess" I then scratched my chin, looking towards the direction she went. 

"Well, then lets go cause I'm hungry too" Jack said, walking to the stairs. Once Jack got to the stairs, he started to race down them eager to get his food before Rian got hungry. 

I sighed before hearing my name being called from downstiars.

"Get your food before I get it!" I heard Vinny yell. I guess if it's not Rian, it's Vinny. 

Scarlett Wonders 

 When I got downstairs, I went straight to the kitchen and found Dilan picking at my food. "Hey hey!" I said, walking over to her and hitting her hand. She pooched out her lip, "You suck" She crossed her arms and stuck her tongue at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed my food. Today is turning out to be pretty interesting, just as last night was. But I know it's going to end, I just know. All this prettiness of life will get parished in some horrible storm.

"You okay there, kitty?" I felt Jack elbow me a little as he got his food. I smiled at him, "Yeah, yeah" He lifted up his eyebrows and shook his head, "Sure, okay"

Just eat your food, Scarlett. Just eat your food. 

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