Chapter 10

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"We should go. You guys seem pretty busy" I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck. 

"Busy? With what?!" I heard Vinny laugh as he said this.

Please don't make me explain this. I just wanna leave, okay? Let me leave.

"I don't know.. don't you have something with.. uh- " I waved my hand to Oliver, who just scuffed and got up to throw away his trash.

"Are we really that bad, that you have make up an excuse to leave?" I heard a whimper slip from Alex's mouth.

"Well, uh.. "

Dammit, Scar. These are your idols; get over the anxiety and enjoy yourself.

"Never-mind" I mumbled, stabbing my noodles with my chopsticks. I got up quickly out of embarrassment, and went into the kitchen to throw away the rest of my food.

"Well, that was.. awkward" I heard Dilan's laugh and a slight movement from the couch. Dilan came in a few seconds after me and saw me leaning over the sink, sighing.

"Are you alright? You seem a little weird"

"Yeah.. yeah, just nervous. The whole 'I'm hanging out with All Time Low' hit me and my anxiety sky-rocketed.." I lied, turning around and smiling at my skeptical best friend. She knew I was lying, and responded with a: Huh, okay, and a raised eyebrow. 

I pushed off the sink and went back into the living room where a group of boys seemed to be laughing at their own jokes and enjoying the company of each other.

I smiled slighty at my friends, and idols talking amongst themselves like they've been best friends for years.

A pair of brown eyes must have noticed my change in attitude because he caught my gaze and gave me a warm smile.

I turned away quickly, feeling the warmth of my body spread to my face.

The way he smiles..

I shook my head, I shouldn't do this to myself.

I sighed, walking over to the empty space that once sat me and Dilan, and started to mess with my hands in my lap.

"Ms. Wonders, do you care to go on a adventure with me?" Mack's voice knocked me from my worries, and immediately and without thinking, I smiled at him.

"What kind?"

"Ha! See, I knew you would be up for it, unlike these sad clowns" Mack rolled his eyes and threw his thumb towards the rest of the guys.

"That's because the last time I agreed to go, you made me sneak into Sea World in the middle of the night" Oliver complained.

The boys of All Time Low looked amused.

"Only because, the brilliant, John Green put the idea in my head" Mack argued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was just some dumb book. You didn't have to actually do it. There was nothing to prove" Pete rolled his eyes as Mack scuffed at him.

He mumbled Dumb book, more like dumb person, before crossing his arms and pouting at the group.

"Not that it seems to be important.. but how did you guys go to Sea World exactly?" Ryan said, eyebrows furrowed.

Oops. Must of missed that detail.

"We were visiting Scar's grandparents-" Mack cut off Dilan, who happened to join in the conversation from the kitchen doorway.

"Who absolutely love me"

There were a few oh, please before Mack continued with, "And Oli, Pete, and Dilan.. "

Ryan laughed, "I can see why"

"Well, duh" Mack said, waving his hand over his body.

I snorted.

"Hey, I'm pretty damn attractive" Mack glared.

"Whatever floats your boat, sweet pea" Alex said, laughing at Mack's ego.

"Fuck you guys" Mack mumbled, pouting once again.

He's such the baby.

"Anyway, what kind of adventure?" I repeated after a few minutes of Mack's mumbling.

He stopped pouting and smiled mischievously.

I groaned, I shouldn't have asked.

"Trust me, you'll love it"

I have a feeling that I won't.. I really won't.

And I was right, soon after he said that he turned towards Jack and started to smile the same way.

Kill me, now. NOW.

"I was thinking, since you guys haven't finished the tour yet and you're just taking a short break, I thought we could go with you guys" Mack smiled, almost squealing a little. Legitimate squealing almost came out of a grown man's mouth. 

Jack turned towards Alex with a wide smile, "Oh, please? It would make it sooo much more funner"

"More funner?"

"Is that even a word?"

"Sssh!" Jack said, snapping at Vinny and Ryan who put their hands up in defense.

Alex glanced at us for a moment before sighing and running his hand through his hair, "I don't know.."

"C'mon, Alex! I totally bet you forgot you still had to tour and this will make up for the plans on Monday!" Mack pouted, getting on his knees infront of Alex.

Alex rubbed his eyes, "I'd have to talk to Mat-"

"Yes, you guys can go!" Jack basically yelled as he jumped up and down. 

Some grown men they are.

"I never said they could!" Alex hissed at his best friend, while Jack just rolled his eyes and waved him off.

"Oh, trust me, Matt will let them go. Especially because Dilan will go" 

I turned over to my best friend who's face went bright red as she stared on the tile. 

"But what about Kitty's work?" Alex said, waving towards me.

Jack and Mack turned their attention towards me and got on their knees again. Oh my god, I heard Alex mumble out.

"Please come with us!"

"Yeah, take time off of work!"

I sighed, "Guys, it'll be months that I'll miss. My boss won't be too happy.." 

"You can work for us while you're there and we'll make up for the pay you'll miss!" Jack said, smiling at his 'brilliant idea'. 

"But what about after?" I mumbled.

"You can work for us, Scarlett. I need extra help with these boys anyway.." Vinny said, smiling.

Should I go?

Of course! You'll get to be with your idols for months, touring!

I don't know.. I'm suppose to be avoiding Jack!

Who cares? 

I sighed, and glanced at the boys who sat on their knees infront of me giving me puppy dog eyes. 

"I guess.. "

Jack broke out in a bright smile, and I swear, I thought I was going to have a heart attack,

I swear this boy will be the death of me.

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