Chapter 2

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"So you found her?" God, that voice was perfect.

I tried to keep my gaze on the floor after my episode of shyness when I caught him looking at me. I felt a arm wrap around my waist and looked up to see Pete nodding to Jack. I buried my face into his chest mumbling about how childish I'm acting. "Well, why don't you change that.." Pete whispered into my hair, kissing it slightly.

I shook my head, letting my bang fall into my face. "Awe! Is someone shy?" It was Alex's voice this time. That made me blush even harder. I heard Mack chuckle, "Always" I took my hand and hit Mack in the stomach. I could feel his smirk as he spoke up, "Ouch, Care Bear. That hurt"

I rolled my eyes, "Suck it up, Mickey Mouse" I mumbled into Pete's shirt. I heard Mack pout and everyone else laughing. I smiled slightly, and started to pull the hem on Pete's shirt. "Well, we better get to playing or we're gonna have some pissed off parents and a very pissed Flyzik" I lifted my head slightly from Pete's shirt and nodded. Alex moaned, "God, we never have any fun!"

He sounded like a two year old not getting what he wanted. I giggled and pulled some blue hair behind my ear, pulling away from Pete. "Yes! I got her to laugh! Suck it!" Alex yelled as he threw his fist in the air.

Suddenly the door of the room quickly opened to an angry Flyzik, "The hell guys! You need to get on stage! Let's go!" My friends and I moved away from the door as the band started walking out waving as the left. Matt suddenly smiled at us and waved us to follow him.

It was like going through an obstacle of teenagers before we reached the door for the backstage. Matt opened the door and waved us in while chirping up Greico on his walkie talkie. We were then brought to a lounge where a mini fridge and two sets of couches were. That's also when I noticed the X-Box 360 hooked up to a TV and multiple games surrounding it. The boys jumped on the couches and started setting up Call Of Duty: Black Ops II. Dilan and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes as we got some water and sat down next to the loud boys.

After a couple of hours, I started getting bored watching video games, since Dilan decided to join them. I got up from my spot and walked out of the lounge to the side stage where Alex and Jack were making boob jokes. I laughed and shook my head as I sat down on the ground watching the show. "This one's called Lost In Stereo!" I heard Alex shout through the microphone.

I smiled as I sang along watching Jack jump around the stage. I was soon interuppted by a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to face a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes to match. She looked a little older than me but a smile was plastered on her face. "Do you mind if I sit with you? I saw you were sitting by yourself.." She pointed to the spot next to me.

I nodded and waved my hand over to her to sit down. She smiled and sat down crossing her legs, "So what's your name? I'm May"

Where did I hear that name from?

I seemed to choke on my words as I mumbled out, "Scarlett" She giggled at my shyness and shook her head. "First time seeing All Time Low?" I shook my head.

"Ah. Let me guess, Jack charmed you with his sparkling eyes.." She mocked a preppy type voice and put a hand on her heart. I covered my mouth while laughing at her mocking of a 'All Time Low fan girl'. She smiled at me and shoved me a little, "How come you don't talk much? Come on, let me hear that pretty voice of yours again!"

I blushed and looked down without answering. I heard a pout in her voice, "Oh come on! It can't be that bad. I mean, just listen to Jack's voice! His is horrible but he still talks!" I giggled.

Then it clicked.

I looked up at her with wide eyes, and she smirked, "Finally you figured it out! That kinda hurt a little Scar" She stuck out her bottom lip. I smacked my forehead, "Sorry.."

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