Chapter 1

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Third pov
New York City was having its normal Monday morning sounds of honking and cars buzzing and people going about there day like usual. "*FWOOOSH*"
We se a blur of red and black swinging through the city chasing what seems to be a car of people who just robbed a bank. They were driving like a bat out of hell trying to get away from the police and the webbed wonder chasing them.

Y/n pov
*Why don't criminals do crimes after 4:00 now I'm gonna be late as hell. And who robs a bank at 7 in the morning*. I kept swinging and eventually landed on the hood of the car. "Hey got license"? I quipped. "Shit it's the Spider-Man!" The passenger yelled as he pulled out his gun and took aim at me. I jumped and webbed the gun out of his hand and pulled him out of the car and stuck him to a building. I reached through the back window and yanked a guy out saying " your stop" and sticking him as well. Did the same to driver and caught the car in a web before it could hit anything. " I'm getting pretty good at this" I say to my self some people were standing around and taking photos and saying " It's Spider-Man look!". "Good morning civilians I must go now goodbye" I yelled as I started to swing away.

"Ok y/n Parker in the last month and half, you managed to stop three robberies, a hostage situation, two car chases, saved some people from wrecks and muggings, saved around a dozen cats from trees. I'm getting pretty good at this". We're my  thoughts as I swung my way to school quickly as I can because I was really late already as it was.

Nino Pov
"New school wow i can hardly believe we had to move all the way to New York. It's not like I can change it thought" I stepped into my new first period class and saw my new teacher. " Ah hello you must be Nakano yes?"  The teacher asked me "Yes I am" I responded. "Ok wait out side and I'll call you in to introduce yourself when class starts." I did just that and waited next to the door and overheard a few kids talking. "hey did you see what Spider-Man did this morning" one kid asked " Yeah he stopped those bank robbers in the car!" Spider-Man ,
sounds like a nerd thing. But the more I listened I heard that everyone, literally everyone was talking about this Spider dude. I had time to kill so I looked him up turns out he's pretty interesting a real life superhero here in my new home. The bell ring and I was called in and was told to say my name and a interesting thing about me. So I saunterd up to the front all eyes on me  and stood at the front and said with confidence" Hello I'm Nino Nakano I'm sixteen and I'm fro-" was all I could say as a boy with messy hair and tired eyes slid in and interrupted me saying "sorry I'm late Mr G"  he blurted "traffic was a nightmare" he used as a excuse. "Mister Parker late again, take a seat" the teacher who I learned as Mr G said. The boy walked over to his seat and was made fun of on the way there. Getting a better look at him he looked tired like he stayed up super late, and was holding a skateboard, and his vibe  just screamed dork.

Anyway I finished my intro and was told to sit next to "Mr Parker" as the teacher called him. I sat down next to the same boy who interrupted me. He looked at me reached his hand out and greeted "hi I'm y/n hope we can be friends" I gave him a weird look and said "dork"and turned away. I heard him mumble under his breath "damn rude much" and we continued with the class. Mr G handed out tests from the other week and I didn't get one so I just waited. "Damn it" I heard from my left and saw the geek sulking. *huh the nerd probably failed* I peaked at his test and saw... A NINETY SEVEN.

Y/n pov
"Damn it" Ugh a ninety seven my grades have been slipping a little since I've become Spider-Man but I'm still the best in the school that's pretty sweet. *Man what was wrong with, ah what's her name oh Nino what was up with her she was being a bitch * anyway one less friend for me. I can already see she is going to be popular so I better not talk to her anymore, me and popular people don't mix well.

Time skip
Alright science class, same class where that spider bit me actually. I sat down in the back waiting for class to start and I saw a girl that looked almost identical to Nino in facial features but had different clothes. She stood up and introduced herself "hello I'm Itsuki hope we get along well." She said with a smile and was instructed to sit on my right. Damn I'm beat, I stayed up late last night helping the police with a hostage situation.

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