Chapter 5

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Third pov
Y/n is swinging through the city to the sisters apartment. Its been about three days since he took down the lizard. He never got a chance to talk to him so he was trying to find a way to get a hold of him so he could talk.

He saw a gang of thugs that were trying to get into a building. They were wearing all adidas and reeked of Vodka. They were definatley russian. He landed and said "hey forgot your keys" and he webbed thier guns out of thier hands. He dodged a punch kneeing him in his stomach and kicking him away. He jumped up and kicked another dude in the face. And webbed one more into the ground. "Aleksi your up" one of the goons said. He turned around and saw a large man charge at him. He jumoed up and shot teo lines at the ground and slingshoted into his back. He took him down easy and webbed them for the police to come.

Y/n pov
I arrived on the sisters roof and saw Miku waiting for me there. I landed and started changing. "Your late." She stated a little irritated. "Sorry ran into a break in had to stop it". I finished changing and headed down into their apartment. I saw Yoatsuba, Ichika, and Nino hanging around in the apartment and we started the lesson. Nino and itsuki left before we could start and me and the rest just did our usual lesson.

Third pov elsewhere
There was the russian gang Spider-man just took down in a wherehouse the escaped before the cops could come. The leader comes out and calls out to Aleksi. "Tell me Aleksi you hate Spider no?" The leader asked. "I wish to squash  little bug" the leader smiled and a latge cotainer opened and there was a large suit with a horn on it. "Then put on and you can squash spider." Aleksi obliged and started putting on the big suit. But liztle did he know he will never be able to leave it. After a little while he emergerd larger and stronger. "Spider I will break you!" 

 "Spider I will break you!" 

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Back to the apartment

The lesson had since ended and y/n left the building. He realised he forgot his text book and hit the ringer button. Miku awnserd "hey i forgot my textbook can i come get it?" Miku respinded with "yes but im in the shower so hurry" and he was buzzed up. When he went in he saw Nino in a bath towel. "Hey whos there i dont have my contacts" he responded with "its me" she went red but he continued with "I just need to take-" but he was interupted with "Take pics!" She backed up into a bookcase anf they were about to fall on her. Y/n's spider sense kicked in and he bounded over and took the blow knocking them both down in a awkward positon. "*snap*" he turned around and saw itsuki there with a phone out.

Small timeskip
"Order in the court" ichika said "your honor here is exhibit A, the tutor lost control of his primal urges and attacked a defenceless young girl" she presented then continued with "now Y/n since you are in this photo how do you plead!" He looked around and said "uh not guilty" then Nino piped up and said "he left the impression he was leaving then he waited for me to leave the shower." Y/n was stuttering how that was not true. "As punishment he should be banned from this apartment." Nino said. Miku piped up and delivers "objection he may look like a criminal but he's not." Y/n was a little offended but she continued "I let him in by comm check the tapes it's all there, it was a accident." Y/n was happy someone had his side. "Objection she is only defending him because she has a crush on the defendant" Miku went red from this "he even admitted to it, he came back in to take pics!". "I'm pretty sure he meant "get" when he said take" ichika said. Then itsuki piped up and said "he saved her from falling books" they all looked at her and she pulled up the security footage. "I can't believe your taking his side!" Nino yelled clearly mad. "Calm down Nino, we used to get along so well remember ." Nino seemed shocked to hear this and under her breath mumbled "used to?" She ran out of the apartment.
Y/n pov
I was riding the elevator down after that ordeal and I made it to the lobby to see Nino sitting against the door. As soon as she saw me she ran for the door but it closed before she could get there. She looked at me and said "ugh your so useless". I realized she forgot her key and she didn't want to ask the others to let her back in. She looked at me and said "what are you staring at the last thing I want to see is your dumb face". I sighed and was about to leave until I realized that she needs help. Helping people is what I do so I turned around and sat down on the opposite side of her. "What are you doing" I looked at her and said "there is a problem here that I want to help solve." She mumbled to shut up and said "all you care about is your stupid studying." I looked at her and said "is that what you really think". She mumbled "everyone is stupid that's why I hate them". I looked at her and I said "look I can't tell you how to handle your family issues but I can offer this". I sighed and said "enjoy what you have while you have it, you never know when you could lose it." She looked at me and I continued "if you think everyone is stupid then think that, if you hate me than hate me, but never hold a grudge against the ones closest to you." She looked at me a little shocked. She looked at me and said "then it's decided, I won't accept you" I looked at her a little weird then I heard. "*kaboom*" I looked over and saw smoke rising in the distance I yelled at her to stay inside and keep her sisters in too.
Third pov
We see the Russian gang holding hostages and waiting for something. "*thwip*" the guns were yanked out of their hands and a person clad in black and red landed on the ground. "Hello comrades" Spider-Man said in a Russian accent. The Russians smiled and pulled out various blunt objects like tire irons and crowbars. This was easy for Spider-Man quickly taking down the people. *well that was easy* he thought as he dusted him self off. "*Thump thump thump*" heavy footsteps were heard and started getting faster. Spider-Man's spider sense kicked in and he jumped over a hulking figure that was going to charge him from the back. He landed on the ground and saw what looked like a man dressed as a rhino. The giant man turned around and said "Spider prepare to die!" and he charged again and managed to grab him and run him through a few wall's. Spider-Man jumped out of his grip and landed a few punches to the face and and a large kick. Rhino stumbled back and charged again but Spider-Man jumped and landed on his back and webbed him and started to steer him as he ran. He broke through a mall and. Spider-Man did quick work of moving everyone who was in the way. Rhino burst out of the other side and Spider-Man followed suit. Rhino grabbed ahold of him and started slam him hard into the ground. He managed to dodge out of the way and he kicked him twice in the head. But rhino landed a big hit to his chest. Spider-Man punched really hard right in his chest and rhino stumbled back. Spider-Man was about to pass out but he got up and went into a few gating stance.
Third pov elsewhere
The quints are on the couch watching Spider-Man fight this dude in a rhino suit Miku was a lot more invested then the others looking really worried. Itsuki said "that spider dude is just going to get himself killed." Normally Miku would say something but she was so worried she didn't hear what she said. *please be okay don't die, please don't die* were her thoughts.

Back to fight
Spider-Man dodged and delivers a uppercut then landed on rhinos back and repeatedly started to punch him in the head. He was grabbed and thrown off. Spider-Man webbed a manhole cover and hurled it at his head and clocked him. The big man grabbed a piece of rubble and threw it at him but Spider-Man dodged and webbed the rubble midair and swung it at his head which exploded with impact. Rhino was about to charge but he was called off and started running off into the distance. To a large truck which drove away. Spider-Man didn't follow because he couldn't take all of them in his current state. He began swinging to Miku to get patched up.

Nearby rooftop
A woman clad in black with white hair was watching the Spider-Man swing away. "So that's him, certainly knows how to put on a show."

(Hello super sorry about not updating in a while been really busy I have a few more story's you should check out. Until next time folks The1nonly out!)

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